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3 hour VHS captured to MPEGII...over 8 gigs?

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3 hour VHS captured to MPEGII...over 8 gigs?

Postby aristottle on Sun May 01, 2005 8:04 pm

I am attempting to take a 3 hours football game on VHS and burn it to single lawyer DVD.

My video capture card is a PlayTV XP card that only captures in MPEG II.

I have captured the video but its over 8 gigs. What is the best program to either compress or shrink the video so it will fit on DVD?

This seems to be a very long complicated process......does someone hae an easier way of doing this? Am I missing something??

I have spent the whole weekend trying to figure this out, while it would have only taken 3 hours to dub the game onto a second vhs tape. I would prefer a dvd though????????


Computer Celeron running at 3gig
512 megs ram
PlayTV XP capture/TV card
120 Gig 7200 hard drive
Nutech 8x DVD burner
Windows XP PRO
Ulead SE 7
Nero 6.3
Roxio 7
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Postby burninfool on Sun May 01, 2005 10:19 pm

Author with Ulead Videostudio/Nero Vision Express but output to DVD Files then use DVDShrink to compress and Nero to burn.
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Postby aristottle on Sun May 01, 2005 10:27 pm

MY capture card only captures in MPEGII....so how do Author to DVD format?????

I use shrink for burning movies....so I am familiar with it...how do I author MPEGII to DVD format using NERO Video Express?

Thanks for any assistance.
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Postby Jim on Mon May 02, 2005 6:53 am

I would recommend TMPGEnc Xpress 3.0 and TMPGEnc DVD Author. There are trial versions available for both. There are extensive tutorials on www.videohelp.com. You'll have to put in some reading time, but they aren't that hard to use.
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Postby CowboySlim on Mon May 02, 2005 2:32 pm

I use Pinnacle Studio 8 to cut the commercials and crap out of the captured MPEG2 files, but then I burn the remaing 3 hours of a NASCAR race over 3 DVDs. There is a limit to how much shrinking, like DVDShrink, will do.
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Postby overclockxp on Tue May 03, 2005 11:59 am

Pinnacle Studio 9 Plus will fit 180 minutes onto a DVD. Good quality too.
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Postby aristottle on Sun Jul 10, 2005 7:55 am

Well throug much trial and error this is what I am doing that works.

My need was to transfer 3+hour football games onto to DVD.

I have tried capturing all the game at once then shrinking the game..then burning it to one single layer DVD....however I ended up with a video quality noticably worse than the original VHS tape and with syn problems between the sound and the video.

So then I tried cutting the long Capture in half to fit on a single layer DVD....and could not find one software package that worked well (ie easy).

So I have gotten into the practice of setting Pinnacle Studio 9 (works VERY WELL) to capture only half the game. Then I burn that half game onto one single layer DVD.....works perfect and is very easy....and the results are a DVD that is just as good as the original tape. Then I capture the second half of the game and burn it........So instead of trying to fit the games on ONE Single Layer DVD....I end up with Two Single Layer DVDs for each game....which is fine with me.

However....I am keeping an I on the price of Dual layer media.....and eventually as the price comes down I will burn the full 3 hours to one dual layer DVD.
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Postby CowboySlim on Tue Jul 12, 2005 4:46 pm


Using Pinnacle Studio, try this:
Read your captured TV file in and open it.
Then have it do a "scene detect" on the file.
Select "All" and move it down to the timeline bar.
Look through it and delete all the scenes that are commercials.
Commercials are usually preceeded by a totally black frame.
Delete that scene and all subsequent scenes with commercials
up to the next black frame that is not followed by commercials.

This will reduce the file substantially.

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Postby aristottle on Tue Jul 12, 2005 5:11 pm

Gotcha there good buddy.......out. :D
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Postby aristottle on Sat Jul 16, 2005 8:15 am

I picked up some Dynex Dual layer media and captured a 3 hour 26 minute football game from VHS using my pinnnacle Studio 9 hardware and software suite then burned it onto on blank Dynex media.

It worked perfect and I ahve tried the Dual Layer disk in 4 different DVD players that I have in the house and it worked fine in all them.

Life is Good :lol:
Nutech DDW-081@DDW-082 f/w b377
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