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Flashed Pioneer 109 > A09 Still Riplocked?


Flashed Pioneer 109 > A09 Still Riplocked?

Postby voltron on Thu Jun 30, 2005 7:24 pm

I've flashed the 109 to the A09 and I can verify this because the Quiet Drive Utility detects the drive just fine. I've set it to standard which is no slowdowns of any kind.

However, using DVD Decrypter to test out the DVD Ripping speed still shows the rip as 2.2x - 3x.

What gives? Have I missed a step? Is there a special firmware I should be flashing with? I originally flashed to the A09 1.05 FW and then upped that to the A09 1.5 FW. Just today I threw the 1.55 FW on there and still no difference. All of the firmwares I've flashed with are official Pioneer Firmwares.

Any help is appreciated.
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Postby Ian on Thu Jun 30, 2005 7:46 pm

What happens when you run a test with say CD Speed?
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Postby voltron on Thu Jun 30, 2005 7:55 pm

Hey Ian, ltns. I've used Nero CD-DVD Speed that came with some Nero version 6.

Since my post, I've downgraded to FW 1.4 as per some posts I've read on other forums and I've just run CDSpeed now with the following output (stopped it early since it's clear it's not ripping at 12x):

The disc isn't scratched up at all, either. I got the drive OEM from Newegg.
Riplocked A09
riplock.png (9.67 KiB) Viewed 1357 times
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Postby Mystery Man on Thu Jun 30, 2005 8:38 pm

Have you tried using pioneers quiet drive utility? If its set to standard mode then riplock will still be there. Set it to either performance or quiet mode. I think quiet mode is the default for the AO9 anyway. I just thought i'd mention it just in case.
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Postby voltron on Thu Jun 30, 2005 9:01 pm

Yes, I mentioned in the original post that I've set it to standard using the Quiet Drive Utility.
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Postby Ian on Thu Jun 30, 2005 9:05 pm

voltron wrote:Yes, I mentioned in the original post that I've set it to standard using the Quiet Drive Utility.

Try the performance mode?
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Postby voltron on Thu Jun 30, 2005 9:21 pm

Performance mode made no difference. I should have mentioned that I tried it.

On another note, I just loaded the old firmware version 1.05 on a whim and then reloaded the 1.55 firmware and now all is working.
Unlocked A09.
aaa.PNG (26.88 KiB) Viewed 1346 times
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Postby frank1 on Fri Jul 01, 2005 2:00 am

Hello !
I have been trying to answer this question:
Which is the real interest of flashing a Pioneer 109 to a A09 ?
I understand that a A09 is detected by the Quiet Drive Utility but is that all ?

So while searching for an answer I found this website which is only dedicated to the Pioneer 109 and family:

and in this particular thread:
" To transform Pioneer Dvr-109 into A09 "
I noticed a post by Huggy and he uses a firmware A09FW1.55 from the site of flashman.rpc1

and I read in the post:
" You will now have a DVR-A09 which can have full rip speed enabled by using Pioneer's quietdrive utility "
and after he shows a test with DVD Decrypter

So I am not a specialist and I have never "crossflashed" a 109 into a A09 (because I have only a Pioneer 107 and a 108)
and I hope you understand perfectly what you are doing ...

My first interest was to be able to flash a Pioneer drive
- in the case you have to downgrade a firmware because of problems
- or if you want to upgrade one of these "pseudo-Pioneer" burners that yopu can find in computers of brand "Medion"
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