Nero provides the:
General Clean tool
Registry Checker & Drive Clean Tool
Nero 6 Clean Tool
I recently installed the May version of Nero 6, only to see that the June versions were released a few days later. It is installed on a new, unsued Gateway PC that will be a gift to someone, so I wish to update it.
I wish to install the latest versions (June 14th). In the past on my other machine, I have been just downloading the new version and running with it, without problems.
I would appreciate advice on the cleanest, most reliable way to install the monthly updates, and some better understanding of when one of the various "clean tools" should be used on an XP based machine running Version 6 of Nero. What are the differences between the various tools?
Second Question:
An "NVE patch" also known as SMCpatch.exe was released prior to the June 14th updates. Is it still necessary/advisable for a Nerovision user to both update to the June 14th version of Nerovision and also install the NVE3 patch? Does the latest update incorporate the patch yet?