Here some burns with different media and writer, scanned on Benq 1640 and LiteOn 1653S
Fuji DVD+R 8x 25er Spindel Opusshop
Unique Disc Identifier : [DVD+R:YUDEN000-T02-000]
Disc & Book Type : [DVD+R] - [Not Available]
Manufacturer Name : [Taiyo Yuden Co. Ltd.]
Manufacturer ID : [YUDEN000]
Media Type ID : [T02]
Product Revision : [Not Specified]
Blank Disc Capacity : [2,295,104 Sectors = 4,482.6MB = 4.38GB (4.70GB)]
Recording Speeds : [1x , 2.4x , 4x , 6x-8x]
[ DVD Identifier - ]
1. Burned with LG GSA 4082 A208
Extreme differences here, Benq reaches a score from 95 %, LiteOn 0 %. PI and PIF scanned by Benq are much lower than with the Lite.
2. Burned with NEC ND 3500 2.19 @16x
Benq 98%, LiteOn 70%. No big differences PI/PIF.
Platinum DVD+R 8x
Unique Disc Identifier : [DVD+R:RICOHJPN-R02-003]
Disc Type : [DVD+R]
Manufacturer ID : [RICOHJPN]
Manufacturer Name : [Ricoh Company Ltd.]
Media Type ID : [R02]
Product Revision : [003]
Disc Application Code : [General Purpose]
Recording Speeds : [1x , 2.4x , 4x , 6x-8x]
Blank Disc Capacity : [Not Supported By Method 2]
[DVD Identifier -]
Pioneer DVR MCC 1.11
Benq 97 %, Lite 98%. Benq reported higher PI and much higher PIF
Sony DVD+R 8x 4,7GB 50er Spindel Karstadt
Unique Disc Identifier : [DVD+R:SONY-D11-000]
Disc & Book Type : [DVD+R] - [DVD+R]
Manufacturer Name : [Sony Recording Media Co.]
Manufacturer ID : [SONY]
Media Type ID : [D11]
Product Revision : [Not Specified]
Blank Disc Capacity : [2,295,104 Sectors = 4,482.6MB = 4.38GB (4.70GB)]
Recording Speeds : [1x , 2.4x , 4x , 6x-8x]
[ DVD Identifier - ]
LiteOn 1653S CS0M
Benq 88 %, Lite 93%. Benq reported 3 times higher PI and 15 times higher PIF. Strange, I´ll do some tests with other media burned by Lite.
Sony DVD-R 8x 4,7GB 50er Spindel Karstadt
Unique Disc Identifier : [DVD-R:SONY08D1]
Disc & Book Type : [DVD-R] - [DVD-R]
Manufacturer Name : [Sony Recording Media Co.]
Manufacturer ID : [SONY08D1]
Blank Disc Capacity : [2,298,496 Sectors = 4,489.3MB = 4.38GB (4.71GB)]
Recording Speeds : [1x , 2x , 4x]
[6x And Higher Might Not Always Be Detectable]
[ DVD Identifier - ]
LG 4163 A103
Benq 97%, Lite 95 %. The Benq show much higher PIF and higher, but CDSpeed gives a higher quality-score to the Benq. Did Erik Deppe some fine-tuning, depending on the drive?
TDK DVD-R 4x (25er Spindel)
Unique Disc Identifier : [DVD-R:TTG01]
Disc Type : [DVD-R]
Manufacturer ID : [TTG01]
Disc Application Code : [Unrestricted Use : Consumer Purpose]
Recording Speeds : [1x - 2x - 4x]
Blank Disc Capacity : [2,298,496 Sectors = 4,489.3 MB = 4.38 GB]
[DVD Identifier -]
NEC 3500 2.19 @ 8x
Benq 96 %, Lite 95 %. Benq shows lower PI and higher PIF. Again CDSpeed gives the Benq a better score, although the Lite show much lower PIF