Dear Sirs,
We are instructed by SHINANO KENSHI Co, Ltd. a company under Japanese law.
Our clients have developed a software named PLEXTOOLS and PLEXTOOLS PROFESSIONAL.
Our clients have established that illegal copy versions of their software are now available under GPL license and under LINUX under the name PXSCAN and PXVIEW.
These versions are released by Mr. Alexander Noe (GPL) and Mr. Eric Fernandez (acting under the name Zeb) (LINUX version) . We have noticed that both persons use your internet site and forum in order to promote the illegal versions of our clients software.
Please confirm that you will take all measures in order to prevent all future use of your medium infringing my clients rights.
Awaiting your reply I remain,
Yours sincerely,
Didier Deneuter
Advocaat - Attorney at law
Tel : +32 (0) 2 340 88 10
Dir line : + 32 (0)2 340 88 11
Fax: +32 (0) 2 345 35 80
Ian wrote:dolphinius_rex wrote:I'm interested in seeing what Plextor says about this.
You know, I'm wondering if Plextor America even knows about this.
dolphinius_rex wrote:Does Plextools even have a legal leg to stand on? This seems pretty stupid and baseless to me, but I'm not a lawyer.
dolphinius_rex wrote:since I have no idea about this, what are the laws like for backwards engineering in the U.S. ??
Boba_Fett wrote:What's next, no more firmware hacks? Speaking of which... anyone notice that RCP1 has been off-line for awhile
RPC1.org is temporary down
Pray for us
dolphinius_rex wrote:I heard they had a massive hardware failure on their server... pretty serious from what I was told. They may have lost all their data (probably what the prayer request is for).
Ian wrote:I find it amusing that we have a law firm from Brussels representing a company from Japan and sending legal notices to websites in the US.
alexnoe wrote:I wonder how they are going to bring up the DMCA against 2 europeans
aviationwiz wrote:
I guess revenue from PlexTools Pro XL wasn't good enough so they decided to go after a piece of better software that's free.
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