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3A MEDIA Launches world's first coloured DVD media


3A MEDIA Launches world's first coloured DVD media

Postby RJW on Fri May 06, 2005 3:39 pm

Austrian DVD manufacturer 3A MEDIA Announces on there site the first coloured DVD recordable.
With proud they present the ART COLOR DVD serie.

- more customizing options
- Ideal for back-ups for consoles or as gift.
- High compatability with SONY Playstation 2
- Good protection against UV.

The discs have the same 3A quality as the normal media.
RED media is availbale in jewel cases and cakeboxes.
Other colours are likely to follow.
A little more info (in german ) can be found on there site a long with a image. (I tried to put it up but had problems of the large picture. To many pixels are there any comments to rescale it or does this mean that I would rescale it first myself and then put it up through the attachement option ?)

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Postby Scour on Fri May 06, 2005 4:20 pm


I know the 3A-media and have 2 problems with it:

1. Only a few manufacturers add their media-code to the FW

2. The media is blank (unlabeled) and I hate that, it´s looks like cheapest-media on market. Some are labeled as Maxdisc, but I don´t trust the very thin lacquered surface
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Postby dolphinius_rex on Fri May 06, 2005 5:26 pm

It's funny, about 6-8 months ago, someone at Staples (of all places!) told me about this media, and that it would be the highest quality media out there. He didn't spefically mention 3A, but he mentioned the Red bottom of the disc (DVDR), and that they were in Europe.
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Postby Wesociety on Fri May 06, 2005 8:08 pm

Hmm this is interesting.
I know Memorex sells CMC made CD-Rs with multi colored bottoms.
Very nice looking but many drives have a very slightly harder time reading these discs (not noticeable in playback).

I also thought I saw a "multicolor" DVD+R Memorex disc... but it was probably just the disc top if 3A is claiming world's first :-?
It will be interesting to see how the colored bottom affects readability and error scan rates, if at all...
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Postby Phoenix '97 on Fri May 06, 2005 10:13 pm

Is this new "red" any different from the "red" of this DVD-R I got with my DVD recorder back in 2002? (beside being 3 years younger)
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Postby Wesociety on Fri May 06, 2005 11:39 pm

Phoenix '97 wrote:Is this new "red" any different from the "red" of this DVD-R I got with my DVD recorder back in 2002? (beside being 3 years younger)

LOL! Well I guess that settles that.
No World's first for 3A media.
@Phoenix '97, What is the MID on that disc?
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Postby RJW on Sat May 07, 2005 7:06 am

I really would like to know the output of DVD-identifier or at least the MID of that coloured disc Phoenix '97.
With the additional info I will contact 3A and see what they have to say.

About support of 3A media . Offical firmware support sucks. But then again what do you expect for a small manufacturer that is non -japanese.
No really if more compannies would work according to the real standards then support issues and fakeing codes were never that big.
Only Philips and Benq are positive exceptions when it comes to this !

About it being unlabbeled. There should be printable versions and offcourse large orders could be customized.
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Postby Phoenix '97 on Sat May 07, 2005 1:06 pm

It's a 2x Ritek G03.

I thought the "purple" media I bought afterwards looked strange. I thought they were all supposed to be red at first. :-? :P
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Postby RJW on Sat May 07, 2005 5:50 pm

G03. Really suprises me. Really interesting.
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Postby dolphinius_rex on Sat May 07, 2005 7:22 pm

RJW wrote:G03. Really suprises me. Really interesting.

I'm surprised you couldn't at LEAST tell it was Ritek from the picture :o The serial number system easily seen on the disc is a DEAD giveaway. Although I can't tell the difference between G03/G04/G05 yet from serial number alone.... it's probably possible.

Hey Phoenix '97, any chance I could get one of those? That's assuming you have one or two to spare. It doesn't matter if they are burned or not, I just want to see the disc colour with my own eyes, and compare it to my own RITEKG03. :wink:
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Postby jase on Sat May 07, 2005 8:51 pm

Hold on a sec.

"Coloured" media means that the plastic is tinted, right?

So the dye formulation must be almost colourless for this to work.

Doesn't that mean phthalocyanine?

Weren't Mitsui's phthalocyanine DVD-R discs complete crap?
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Postby dolphinius_rex on Sun May 08, 2005 3:55 am

jase wrote:Hold on a sec.

"Coloured" media means that the plastic is tinted, right?

So the dye formulation must be almost colourless for this to work.

Doesn't that mean phthalocyanine?

Weren't Mitsui's phthalocyanine DVD-R discs complete crap?

Yes, yes, and yes :wink:

So that leads us to 3 likely conclusions:

#1: 3A is using Phthalocyanine but got it to work well

#2: 3A came up with something completely different which works well and is colourless (or mostly colourless)

#3: Either #1 or #2, but the media still sucks :lol:
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Postby RJW on Sun May 08, 2005 5:34 am

dolphinius_rex wrote:
RJW wrote:G03. Really suprises me. Really interesting.

I'm surprised you couldn't at LEAST tell it was Ritek from the picture :o The serial number system easily seen on the disc is a DEAD giveaway. Although I can't tell the difference between G03/G04/G05 yet from serial number alone.... it's probably possible.

Hey I didn't use much Ritek G media because of the questionable quality and it has been quite some time that I used Ritek. And I didn't take a good look at the serial. To lazy /To little time.
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Postby RJW on Sun May 08, 2005 5:41 am

jase wrote:Hold on a sec.

"Coloured" media means that the plastic is tinted, right?

No it doesn't have to .But it's likely.
So the dye formulation must be almost colourless for this to work.

Allmost colourless (used in the past) but coloured is possible much more tricky to work.
Doesn't that mean phthalocyanine?

No. Still for cd-r's pthalocyanine dye's were the easiest to use.

Weren't Mitsui's phthalocyanine DVD-R discs complete crap?

No. The 2x GOLD media made in Japan was decent. But there were a few problems. High costs. Higher fallout rate, Can't handle high speed well.
Mitsui then decided to stop prodcution CSI/MAM-A took over with different dye technology (purple likely cyanine stuff) which was crap.
dolphinius_rex wrote:#3: Either #1 or #2, but the media still sucks

Now 3A media doesn't suck there suppport sucks which in the end still makes it a not so good option.

So it seems that I will have to ask 3A a few questions and I keep your guys posted.
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Postby Phoenix '97 on Mon May 09, 2005 9:22 pm

dolphinius_rex wrote:
RJW wrote:G03. Really suprises me. Really interesting.

I'm surprised you couldn't at LEAST tell it was Ritek from the picture :o The serial number system easily seen on the disc is a DEAD giveaway. Although I can't tell the difference between G03/G04/G05 yet from serial number alone.... it's probably possible.

Hey Phoenix '97, any chance I could get one of those? That's assuming you have one or two to spare. It doesn't matter if they are burned or not, I just want to see the disc colour with my own eyes, and compare it to my own RITEKG03. :wink:

This is the only one I have of its kind. I can snap a short video to show the different light reflections if you like.
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Postby dolphinius_rex on Mon May 09, 2005 10:05 pm

Phoenix '97 wrote:This is the only one I have of its kind. I can snap a short video to show the different light reflections if you like.

[Indiana Jones]
It belongs in a MUSEUM!!!!
[/Indiana Jones]

Nah, that's ok... but don't be surprised if I ask to see it if I ever visit your neck of the woods :wink:
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Postby Phoenix '97 on Tue May 10, 2005 10:42 pm

Not a problem. :p Here it is anyways:
(XviD), 320x240, ~250KB, 19 seconds, no audio
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Postby dolphinius_rex on Wed May 11, 2005 1:19 am

Phoenix '97 wrote:Not a problem. :p Here it is anyways:
(XviD), 320x240, ~250KB, 19 seconds, no audio

Yup! It's deffinately Red!! I wonder what's up with that... maybe I should ask Ritek?

Too bad I couldn't hear the light reflecting though (J/K) :lol:
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Postby Wesociety on Wed May 11, 2005 12:25 pm

I double checked on Memorex "Cool Colors" DVD+R.
Unlike the Cool Colors CD-R, the DVD+R only have different colored tops.
Bottom of the DVD+R is the standard purple color.
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