Phoenix '97 wrote:Is this new "red" any different from the "red" of this DVD-R I got with my DVD recorder back in 2002? (beside being 3 years younger)
RJW wrote:G03. Really suprises me. Really interesting.
jase wrote:Hold on a sec.
"Coloured" media means that the plastic is tinted, right?
So the dye formulation must be almost colourless for this to work.
Doesn't that mean phthalocyanine?
Weren't Mitsui's phthalocyanine DVD-R discs complete crap?
dolphinius_rex wrote:RJW wrote:G03. Really suprises me. Really interesting.
I'm surprised you couldn't at LEAST tell it was Ritek from the pictureThe serial number system easily seen on the disc is a DEAD giveaway. Although I can't tell the difference between G03/G04/G05 yet from serial number alone.... it's probably possible.
jase wrote:Hold on a sec.
"Coloured" media means that the plastic is tinted, right?
So the dye formulation must be almost colourless for this to work.
Doesn't that mean phthalocyanine?
Weren't Mitsui's phthalocyanine DVD-R discs complete crap?
dolphinius_rex wrote:#3: Either #1 or #2, but the media still sucks
dolphinius_rex wrote:RJW wrote:G03. Really suprises me. Really interesting.
I'm surprised you couldn't at LEAST tell it was Ritek from the pictureThe serial number system easily seen on the disc is a DEAD giveaway. Although I can't tell the difference between G03/G04/G05 yet from serial number alone.... it's probably possible.
Hey Phoenix '97, any chance I could get one of those? That's assuming you have one or two to spare. It doesn't matter if they are burned or not, I just want to see the disc colour with my own eyes, and compare it to my own RITEKG03.
Phoenix '97 wrote:This is the only one I have of its kind. I can snap a short video to show the different light reflections if you like.
Phoenix '97 wrote:Not a problem. :p Here it is anyways:
(XviD), 320x240, ~250KB, 19 seconds, no audio
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