The latest issue (14/2005) of the German computer magazine c't has a comprehensive test of DVD media (44 types, over 60 brands). There is a great deal of information in this issue, including a description of the basics of quality testing. Anyone who
can get this magazine
should do so!
Since I'm at home with back problems

, I can draw up a summary of the results. Please note that this represents the
German market so that some brands may be unfamiliar- most media codes should show up elsewhere too, though.
The tests consist of 4 parts:
- Test burns with Philips DVDR1645, NEC ND-3540A and one of 2 DVD-Videorecorders (Philips DVDR 610 or Pioneer DVR-220), evaluated with Audiodev CATS scans
- compatibility tests with Plextor PX-716A, LG GSA-4163B, Pioneer DVR-109 and LiteOn SOHW-1673S, evaluated with an Almedio AEC-1000
- limited climatic stabilty tests (100 hours 80°C, 85% humidity) evaluated with Almedio AEC-1000
- physical properties of unburnt disc, subsequent test for optimal laser power and power margin (Audiodev)
The test burns with DVD-Videorecorders check for compatibility of high-speed media with these 1x-burners. With lowspeed media becoming increasingly rare, this is an important item for users of these devices!
The Almedio AEC-1000 is an external testing device that c't looked at a couple of months ago (6/2005: price ca. 3845 Euros). It allows
only PI Sum 8 and POF scans at 1x and 4x. Results are similar to Audiodev CATS DVD Pro scans, but the counts are lower- ca. 1/2 to 1/3 @4x and even lower at 1x. Hence they deemed it as a useful quick, simple and reliable quality testing instrument for non-demanding purposes. I guess they have one in house now because they use it for some of the comparisons.
The "climatic stabilty tests" were done by comparing before/after scans of the 2 best discs checked with the AEC-1000. The result is a
trend, not a lifetime: a medium that survives this test well should be more stable than one that did not.
The power margin is determined by special tests performed by Audiodev with modified BenQ and Pioneer drives. They simulated the power calibration tests that burners perform in an inner and outer zone of the disc to determine the optimal laser power (based on starting values coded on the disc). The power is successively increased and the resulting jitter determined. The
power margin is the power range where
both zones exhibit jitter < 9%. This is an indication of the tolerance the media exhibits for power variation. The optimum power thus determined often differs significantly from the coded value, which is kept as low as possible and is based on a different laser type than most drives use for burning (single beam, numerical aperture=0.60 vs. triple beam NA=0.65).
There is too much information to go into detail here. I'll post a 1-line summary per media type with the salient "quality grades" (++, +, 0, -, -- think A-E):
- mechanical index (see
this post)
- power margin (roughly >17%, 12%, 8%, 5%, rest)
- writing quality (see
this post)
- compatibilty (based on the 6 drives tested)
- speed (no details re. grade, but uniform: 4x cannot be better than - )
- climatic stabilty (no details re. grade)
Here is a summary grouped by media type and speed.
DVD-R 4x media
- Code: Select all
Name and brands MID Mech.Ind. PowM Writ Comp Speed Stab.
BeAll (SKC) BeAll G4001 51 / + -- + 0 - --
Interaxia (Gut und Billig) VDSPMSAB 01 -18 / -- -- 0 - -- -
King Pro Mediatek (e-top) DKMZ01 44 / 0 -- -- - -- --
Moser Baer India MBI 01RG20 10 / - - 0 + -- --
(MMore, no name)
Optodisc (SK) OPTODISCR004 2 / - -- 0 0 -- ++
Ritek (Maxell, Octron) RITEKG04 71 / + - ++ ++ - 0
SKC (Gigatain) SKC Co.,Ltd -83 /-- - 0 0 -- --
DVD+R 4x media
- Code: Select all
Name and brands MID Mech.Ind. PowM Writ Comp Speed Stab.
BeAll (SKC) BeAll000 P40 10 / - -- 0 0 - --
Digital Disc Dessau (SK) DDDessau V20 -6 / -- -- + ++ - --
Moser Baer India MBIPG101 R03 44 / 0 + + + - ++
(no name)
Optodisc OPTODISC 0R4 21 / - + + ++ - --
(Gut und Billig, Classic)
Plasmon (e-top) POMSI002 01 -47 / -- -- 0 - -- --
Ritek (Octron) RITEK R02 46 / 0 + + + - ++
DVD-R 8x media
- Code: Select all
Name and brands MID Mech.Ind. PowM Writ Comp Speed Stab.
CMC (Emtec, Ricoh) CMC MAG AE1 37 / 0 -- + 0 0 ++
Fuji FUJIFILM03 70 / + -- - - - ++
(Imation, Intenso, Philips, Fuji)
MAM-E (Primeon) MAM8XG01 69 / + 0 - - - +
Mitsubishi Chemicals MCC 02RG20 75 / ++ - 0 0 0 ++
(Memorex, Verbatim)
Optodisc OPTODISCR008 60 / + 0 0 - - +
(Samsung Pleomax, TIP)
Ritek (Platinum) RITEKG05 74 / + - -- - - --
Sony (Sony) SONY08D1 73 / + + 0 0 - --
Taiyo Yuden TYG02 70 / + + 0 0 - --
(Plextor, Fuji, Verbatim)
TDK (TDK) TTH01 35 / 0 ++ + + + +
DVD+R 8x media
- Code: Select all
Name and brands MID Mech.Ind. PowM Writ Comp Speed Stab.
CMC (Emtec, Memorex) CMC MAG E01 4 / - + ++ + 0 ++
Infomedia (Philips) INFOME R20 47 / 0 + - - - 0
MAM-E (Primeon) MAM M02 20 / - -- -- - -- ++
Mitsubishi Chemicals MCC 003 55 / + -- 0 0 0 0
(HP, Verbatim) 17 R1 c
Moser Baer India MBIPG101 R04 56 / + 0 + + 0 ++
(Intenso, Imation MMore)
Nanya NANYA CHX 49 / 0 -- - 0 - --
(TIP, i-b@se, MakroMarkt)
Optodisc (Samsung) OPTODISC 0R8 -26 / -- 0 + 0 0 0
Plasmon (Sky) Plasmon1 C01 -7 / -- -- - 0 - ++
Ricoh (Platinum, Ricoh) RICOHJPN R02 79 / ++ -- + + 0 ++
Sony (Sony) SONY D11 66 / + ++ 0 + 0 -
Taiyo Yuden (Plextor) YUDEN00 T02 60 / + ++ - 0 + +
Gigatain Macau (Gigatain) YUDEN00 T02 23 / - -- -- - 0 0
TDK (TDK) TDK 002 66 / + + - - 0 -
DVD-R 16x media
- Code: Select all
Name and brands MID Mech.Ind. PowM Writ Comp Speed Stab.
Maxell (Maxell) MXL RG04 80 / ++ n.a. - - + 0
Mitsubishi C. (Verbatim) MCC 03RG20 85 / ++ - 0 0 ++ +
Sony (Sony) SONY16D1 80 / ++ n.a. + + ++ --
TDK (TDK, Imation) TTH02 54 / + - - 0 + 0
DVD+R 16x media
- Code: Select all
Name and brands MID Mech.Ind. PowM Writ Comp Speed Stab.
Maxell (Maxell) MAXELL 003 48 / 0 -- 0 -- 0 -
Mitsubishi C. (Verbatim) MCC 004 40 / 0 -- 0 - 0 +
Ricoh (Ricoh) RICOHJPN R03 45 / 0 -- - - 0 --
Sony (Sony) SONY D21 66 / + - - 0 + --
TDK (TDK) TDK 003 -14 / -- -- 0 0 + --
Umfortunately I can't / won't post details for the writing compatibility (quality) and speed- just some general remarks. There are 6 drives and 2 DVD-Recorders with 2 scanning systems involved and I've run out of energy.

The NEC 3540 (fw 1.01) and Pioneer 109 (fw 1.40) had the least problems successfully writing a disc. LG 4163B (fw A104) and LiteOn 1673S (JS07) are pickiest with media, Philips (fw 3.40) tries to write too fast. Plextor (1.06) improved quality by reducing speed and is intermediate in this game.
If someone asks nicely, I
may post more details (or someone else can).

Now some general conclusions:
- the perfect disc (power tolerant, high speed, generally compatible, good quality, stable) doesn't exits yet- there is always a trade-off. E.g. the MAM-E may be very stable climatically, but if the disc isn't readable to start with, who cares?
- it's no suprise for regulars to this forum that their are "counterfeit" MID's in circulation. The crassest example they found was Gigatain "Made in Macau" which initially used TY MID's, then switched to MCC.
- you don't always know what you're getting when you buy by brand, e.g. Imation (again no surprise for regulars here).
- good 4x media is rare. The Riteks are the best available at present. Once these disappear, owners of a 4x burner will have to look for a new drive. This has been discussed
here in the forum too.- the best 8x media are TDK TTH01 (-R). The 8x +R media from CMC and MBI also do very well- apparently they've learned a lot from their work for MCC!
- the best 16x media are from Sony and Verbatim, whereby Sony has better writing quality but climatic stability problems.
- the 16x -R medai are generally better than +R media. This may be inherent in the system. See
this thread- the DVD-Videorecorders (mostly) coped well with 4x and 8x media. 16x is another game entirely- the Pioneer burned all 16x -R discs, the Philips coped with
only the Sony media!
c't also drew up a list of 5 recommended media for each drive. These are (in alphabetic order):
- Code: Select all
LiteOn SOHW-1673S MBI +R 8x, MCC -R 16x, Optodisc +R 8x, Ricoh +R 8x, Sony -R 16x
LG GSA-4163B MBI +R 8x, Sony -R 16x, TY +R 8x, TDK -R 16x, TDK -R 8x
NEC BD-3540A Sony +R 8x, Sony -R 16x, Sony -R 8x, TDK -R 16x, TDK -R 8x
Philips DVDR1645K CMC +R 8x, CMC -R 8x, Ricoh +R 8x, Sony -R 16x, TDK -R 8x
Pioneer DVR-109 MCC -R 8x, Sony -R 16x, TDK +R 16x, TDK +R 8x, TDK -R 8x
Plextor PX-716A MCC +R 8x, MCC -R 16x, MCC -R 8x, TY +R 8x, TDK +R 16x
So that was the longest post I've ever worked on. Time for a beer (except I can't

because of the painkillers for my back
