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Missing "video_ts.vob" after Recode of Brazil, CC,

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Missing "video_ts.vob" after Recode of Brazil, CC,

Postby ZamboniGuy on Sat Apr 16, 2005 7:19 pm

Hi. Using Recode, I keep loosing the "video_ts.vob" file on this disk, and my recode/burn keeps failing. It fails at the end of building the burn cache for the DVD (after sucessful advanced analysis and compiling of DVD files), where it 'discovers' that the said file is not present.

Yet if I take the original dvd's "video_ts.vob" and add it to the rest of the recoded files Recode created, the disk plays fine (in Showtime from the hard drive).

I tried doing this, and then running it again through Recode (this time with all titles and features at 100% since it has already been compressed) but the pesky file disappears again.

A copy of my burn log can be seen here:


Anyone have any ideas what is happening, or how I can burn a DVD when all I have is a "video_ts" folder (no .iso image) without using Recode/Shrink?

Buffer Underrun
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Postby CCampbell on Wed Apr 20, 2005 7:51 pm

Are you using the latest release of our Nero Recode that came with NeroVision


Best Regards,

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Postby ZamboniGuy on Wed Apr 20, 2005 11:07 pm

Maybe not, I've got Recode from NVE ... that was the latest and greatest for a brief time I guess in February.

Do you promise it won't happen if I update?

Unfortunately, I can't test that ... I found a useful workaround by copying the pre-recode "video_ts.*" files to the processed movie folder, and created an .iso image with ImgTool Classic which I burned with DVD Decrypter.

Any ideas what might have caused the file to disappear? I'd rather not update just on a whim ... otherwise this version has worked pretty well.

If it ain't broke, ... so to speak.

Thanks for the reply, CC.
Buffer Underrun
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Postby CCampbell on Tue Apr 26, 2005 1:08 am

No, I could not promise that.

I could only do that if it was a know bug we resolved, or if I was able to duplicate it and upgrading resolved it 10 out of 10 times. And neither is the case. :(

But I'm glad you have a work around at least. And you are right, "if it aint broke don't fix it." :-)

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