Nice fist shot !

(enough propaganda for today.)
I talked with some friends and a dual layer running a DVD movie at PS2 is not the same as a game. So checking if the video runs won't do.
According to C't dual layer video's do work on X-box and PS-2 and most video players.but ar problematic on dvd-roms. C't thinks that it might be because of the lower reflecitivity.(16% DVD-R DL compared to 18% DVD-ROM)
SONY SCPH-30004 and X-BOX (PHILIPS drive) they reported also that DVD movies worked in number eleven of 2004.
Tricky is tha dual Layer +R media has also a standard of 16% however MKM dual layer +R disc measured in C't 11-2004 did perform 18% - 18.7%.
So it seems that we are still stuck when it comes to testing if Dual layer -R gives us the option to backup PS2 games.(I still say no but we will see as someone who has the right tools test it. which probally is when the media hits the streets.)