Hi, I hope I'm asking something really dumb. I recorded a show on my DVR and using Nerovision Express 3 ( I added the file to a project (the only video file in the project). The size thermometer at the bottom showed 4.59 GB which of course is too big for a DVD-R. Clicking on the question mark at the end of the size thermometer, one of the suggestions is to "reduce the encoding quality" of the project. I then opened MORE>VIDEO OPTIONS>DVD VIDEO and selected "extended play" which then said I should be able to record 240 minutes of video (about). Upon returning to the main menu, nothing had changed and when I went to burn, it said the project would only fit on a DVD-9 and I could only write to a file or recorder. Returning and choosing all other quality settings resulted the same. I tried exporting the video at all various settings for quality and the resulting files were all the same size as the original. I tried setting the video quality before I added the viseo to the project. No change. When I do a roll over of the video title on the first menu it shows quality:extended play (2537 kbps) but when I hit the "detail" button on the burn page it shows "encoding mode:high quality (2-pass vbr)" and under the "title 1" list it shows "quality:extended play (2537 kbps)" but I still get the message about the project exceeding the size of a normal DVD and it will only let me write to a file ( "burn" button changed to "write")
I really don't understand what's going on and posting the question to the nero support site got a response to select a different quality at "more>video options>dvd video" which is what I already have done to no effect. What am I doing wrong? All I want to do is make the file smaller so that I can fit it on a DVD-R.
By the way, smaller video files (<4.37 GB) work just fine and I have no problems.
I really appreciate and thank anyone for any help!