CDRLabs has taken an in depth look at Samsung's new double layer DVD burner, the TS-H552U. While affordably priced, the TS-H552U sports some pretty impressive specs. The drive is capable of 16x DVD±RW and 4x DVD±RW writing speeds and has a maximum DVD read speed of 16x. More importantly, it's one of the first drives to feature 6x DVD+R DL writing speeds. The TS-H552U also includes features like 40x CD writing speeds, 32x rewriting speeds and support for technologies like Super Link.
In this review we'll take a look at some of the features found on the TS-H552U and see how it compares to some of the 16x DVD±RW drives from the competition. Are 6x DVD+R DL writing speeds enough to put Samsung's new drive on top? You'll have to read the review to find out.
Samsung TS-H552U Double Layer 16x DVD±RW[/url]
This is also the first of many reviews from Shaun. If you have any comments or questions about the Samsung TS-H552U (or you want to tell Shaun what a great job he's done), please post them in the forum using the link provided below.