Well I just flamed the nero tech support.
Jeezz I can't believe the terrible responses I'm getting.
I'm working with 2 issues and one of them is linux and the other is the mp3 encoder.
It may be just a language barrier, if so it's a 10 foot tall wall.
My attempt to get the nero for linux consisted of going to a page to register to receive it and I put in my information including my serial number and was presented with a page with 3 download links, all of which were giving me page not found errors.
I then accidentally closed the page and couldn't reload it.
So I went back to the registration page for Nero for linux and re-did it and it just told me that my serial number was already registered. So I emailed
techsupport@nero.com and described the above and asked for a link to the files to download.
Today, well it is about 3am Hawaii time, 4 days later, I received a response with the linux in the subject and in the body they I CAN'T %$$# BELEIVE IT, put a link to the instructions for registering the lame decoder.
Well I just lost my temper and used several of those forbidden words with them.
It's really a simple request. It couldn't be easier to understand. Send me a link to the linux download file.
Now to the Power Pack Mp3 encoder topic to cover my experience with that in the past 4 days.
...you know, these softwares are really not a huge issue, it just really torques me when it is so blatent that they just read about 3-4 words of my well worded description and then send me an unapplicable link in response.
That is really disrespectful.