Here are my Nero 6.6 results on discs burned with the Sony DRU-710A using the Optodisc DVD+R 8x I bought from Newegg. I used a Sony DVD-ROM DDU1613 to scan the discs since I didn't want to scan them with the same drive that burned them:
8x- Coaster
6x- Very Poor, 3.23% of disc is unreadable in scan test
PI errors average 1157, PI failures average 95
4x- Good AFAIK, you guys are the experts, 100% is readable
PI errors average 38, PI failures average 0.97
I tried to post my graphs like Medium Rare did, I saved the images as .jpg, and .bmp, but I havent figured out how to paste them in here. If they would be helpful I'd be glad to post them if someone can give me a hint on how to do it.
So when Sony capped the Optodisc 8x media at 4x, they apparently had reason to.
Now the next step in the experiment is to find out how these media do with the NEC, I just bought a NEC3520 but I won't be able to install it until the weekend, I'll post my results. If the NEC burns these Optodiscs at 8x, I'll probably be a Sony basher, if it won't burn them at 8x, I'll probably be an Optodisc basher, but I'll probably be bashing something since I don't think I'm expecting too much to get 8x performance from media sold as 8x!