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Nero Burning Rom Released!

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Nero Burning Rom Released!

Postby Ulysses on Fri Mar 11, 2005 5:37 pm

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Postby skypx on Fri Mar 11, 2005 10:01 pm

I wonder what's been changed. :roll:
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Postby Spazmogen on Fri Mar 11, 2005 10:34 pm

You can also get it from NERO directly, but its slow tonight. 11.0KB/s is what I'm getting right now.

It took about 25 minutes to get it. Nero is getting hammered again.

I do not see any difference so far, but that was just a quick look around.
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Postby Ulysses on Sat Mar 12, 2005 6:18 am

No change log yet though... :-^
"Houston, we've got a problem..."
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Postby myckee on Sun Mar 13, 2005 12:01 am

More download links:
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Changes from Nero Burning ROM to Nero Burning ROM :
• New Features
- Added LightScribe support
- Added support for DVD-R Dual Layer format
• Bug Fixes
- The application did not start in the desired user language
- Nero failed to correctly identify the source media during a DVD copy process
- Added/corrected some small language related GUI changes
- It was not possible to enter a file/folder name which contains 0x5c characters
- Nero wrongly reported 'Not enough space on the disc' in unfinalized multisession compilations
- ISO9660-1999 was set to all compilations which made the discs unreadable on OS prior to Windows XP
- Nero Express did not offer anymore saving error logfiles
- Added localization for the audio plug-in manager
- Resolved a wrong behavior when double clicking on the column separator in Audio and Video compilation view
- The user was still in the ISO view when ISO9660:1999 was enabled in the compilation properties
- The wrong track number was displayed for playing an audio/video tracks in audio/video compilations
- In (S)VCD compilations, when switching the file system to ISO Joliet; it did not enable Unicode names
- Removed unsupported *.pbm file format from the filter of the open file dialog
- For (S)VCD compilation, *.wmf files could not be added anymore and the file preview was not working
- In an audio CD compilation, when clicking the headline to sort the order, the start and end time were not corrected
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Postby Scandy on Mon Mar 14, 2005 2:23 pm

myckee, the change log that you posted are the changes for I don't think that the changes for have been posted yet.
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Postby CCampbell on Tue Mar 15, 2005 6:34 am

There are no major fixes or enhancements in the latest Nero build posted.

We had an issue with Nero reporting as expired Demo under certain circumstances, and released the Nero to address this issue.

This is why there is no change log, as nothing has really changed. Sorry for the confustion this has caused. We should have posted this as most users do not need to download this new release, as it will have not real affect over their current Nero


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Postby Ulysses on Tue Mar 15, 2005 9:05 am

CCampbell wrote:There are no major fixes or enhancements in the latest Nero build posted.

We had an issue with Nero reporting as expired Demo under certain circumstances, and released the Nero to address this issue.

This is why there is no change log, as nothing has really changed. Sorry for the confustion this has caused. We should have posted this as most users do not need to download this new release, as it will have not real affect over their current Nero



Thanks for the info! :)
"Houston, we've got a problem..."
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