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NeroLINUX Released

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NeroLINUX Released

Postby dburg on Thu Mar 10, 2005 6:13 pm

NeroLINUX has been officialy launched today. This burning software uses the Linux version of the NeroAPI to provide a new Linux solution for CD/DVD burning.

It basically supports all internal drives that Nero Burning ROM supports, and also external USB and FireWire as soon as the kernel recognize them. It also features a full usage of the new ide-cdrom driver that is provided with 2.6 kernel series. This new driver let you plainly use high speed DVD recorders for example.

NeroLINUX is able to burn the following formats :

- Data CDs/DVDs (ISO9660, UDF and UDF/ISO9660 Bridge)
- Bootable CDs/DVDs using the El-Torito standard
- Audio CDs (CD TEXT Infos can be added)
- Mixed Mode CDs
- Enhanced CDs (CD EXTRA)
- CD and DVD Images (ISO, NRG and Cue Sheets)
- Ability to burn Multisession CD/DVD
- Double Layer DVDs (DVD+R DL and DVD-R DL)

It also uses the verification engine that you can find with Nero Burning ROM and the CD/DVD copy API. It also integrates a communication layer for encoding and decoding audio files on-the-fly, let you burn them directly as audio tracks.

Provided as a RPM and a Debian package, various distributions are supported and the software itself is free of charge, as soon as you have a retail Nero serial number.

More infos on http://www.nero.com/en/NeroLINUX.html
David Burg
Software Development, InCD Project Manager

Nero AG - Im Stoeckmaedle 18
76307 Karlsbad - Germany

fax: +49 (0)7248 928 299 http://www.nero.com
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Postby MediumRare on Thu Mar 10, 2005 6:47 pm

Thanks for the information. Looks interesting so far.

Does CD-Speed come in a Linux Version too?

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Postby dodecahedron on Fri Mar 11, 2005 12:15 am

wonderful news!!! :D :P
all the more reason to move ahead with the migration to Linux!!!
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Postby mfluhr on Fri Mar 11, 2005 5:47 am

MediumRare wrote:Thanks for the information. Looks interesting so far.

Does CD-Speed come in a Linux Version too?


No. No toolkit is provided with the Linux version
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Postby Alejandra on Fri Mar 11, 2005 12:09 pm

Hopefully they'll come with a Mac version too [-o<

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Postby Ian on Fri Mar 11, 2005 2:39 pm

This is going to make a lot of Linux users happy. =D>

Alejandra wrote:Hopefully they'll come with a Mac version too [-o<

Nero used to have Mac software. I don't know what ever happened to it.
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Postby Alejandra on Fri Mar 11, 2005 2:54 pm

Ian wrote:This is going to make a lot of Linux users happy. =D>

Sure, I know some who use Windows only for nero.

Ian wrote:Nero used to have Mac software. I don't know what ever happened to it.

They discontinued it, but in any case was a OS-9 app, since new OS-X is a unix based maybe our hopes are bigger :roll:

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Postby aviationwiz on Fri Mar 11, 2005 11:50 pm

I'd like a Nero version for Mac, I wouldn't have to use that crappy Roxio crap anymore. I'm not a programmer, but would it really require that much more time to port it over to OS X from Linux?
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Postby Rich on Sun Mar 13, 2005 10:43 am

I just went to get the Linux Nero and filled out the registration (even though I purchased it online from Ahead) and was given 3 links for 30 minutes which were dead links.

I tried and tried again and then accidentally closed the page so I went back to re-register to regain the page with the links and was told that number was already registered and to contact the technical department.


I just sent a message to tech support asking them to send me links. Hopefully that'll do it.
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Postby Rich on Thu Mar 17, 2005 9:17 am

Well I just flamed the nero tech support.

Jeezz I can't believe the terrible responses I'm getting.

I'm working with 2 issues and one of them is linux and the other is the mp3 encoder.

It may be just a language barrier, if so it's a 10 foot tall wall.

My attempt to get the nero for linux consisted of going to a page to register to receive it and I put in my information including my serial number and was presented with a page with 3 download links, all of which were giving me page not found errors.

I then accidentally closed the page and couldn't reload it.

So I went back to the registration page for Nero for linux and re-did it and it just told me that my serial number was already registered. So I emailed techsupport@nero.com and described the above and asked for a link to the files to download.

Today, well it is about 3am Hawaii time, 4 days later, I received a response with the linux in the subject and in the body they I CAN'T %$$# BELEIVE IT, put a link to the instructions for registering the lame decoder.


Well I just lost my temper and used several of those forbidden words with them.

It's really a simple request. It couldn't be easier to understand. Send me a link to the linux download file.

Now to the Power Pack Mp3 encoder topic to cover my experience with that in the past 4 days.

...you know, these softwares are really not a huge issue, it just really torques me when it is so blatent that they just read about 3-4 words of my well worded description and then send me an unapplicable link in response.

That is really disrespectful.

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Postby CCampbell on Thu Mar 17, 2005 10:49 am

Hi Rich,

Give it a few minutes. I have this being looked into. Our solution for providing the Nero Linux link may have a few flaws we need to work out. :roll:


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Postby Rich on Thu Mar 17, 2005 11:11 am

Thanks Craig,

I'll try this afternoon when I get up.

It's about 5:00 am here and I gotta take down the laptop and close my shift then it's sack time.

Thanks again,

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Postby CCampbell on Thu Mar 17, 2005 11:28 am

Hi Rich,

Looks like the Manager of the Tech Support team in Germany was already working on this issue. Please see his response below....



"I just made today a solution with the web master! The User should register again with the same emailaddress and the same serial-number and the system will recognize that and let him again download the Linux-Version. In Future (next week) we will provide a Login-procedure where the registered users can login again and then also download everything again in case they ever loose the download or need to reinstall. We will send out an email to inform all yet registered users!"
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Postby Ian on Thu Mar 17, 2005 12:40 pm

Hmm.. technical support is being handled by CD Freaks. From Nero website:

Important note: Technical support for NeroLINUX will be provided by
CDFreaks's Linux forum. Please click on the link:
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Postby Rich on Thu Mar 17, 2005 1:28 pm

CCampbell wrote:Hi Rich,

Looks like the Manager of the Tech Support team in Germany was already working on this issue. Please see his response below....



"I just made today a solution with the web master! The User should register again with the same emailaddress and the same serial-number and the system will recognize that and let him again download the Linux-Version. In Future (next week) we will provide a Login-procedure where the registered users can login again and then also download everything again in case they ever loose the download or need to reinstall. We will send out an email to inform all yet registered users!"

Thanks Craig, I'll go try, maybe after I get some sleep. I just got off graveyard shift.

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Postby Rich on Thu Mar 17, 2005 1:29 pm

Ian wrote:Hmm.. technical support is being handled by CD Freaks. From Nero website:

Important note: Technical support for NeroLINUX will be provided by
CDFreaks's Linux forum. Please click on the link:

Thanks Ian, I'll try both and compare the files.

I gotta crash now.

Thanks again,

::edit:: Ah, er, ah I miss read that. CDFreaks doing support, sorry for minute I thought that said they have files. My mistake.

::tired brain::
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Postby Rich on Thu Mar 17, 2005 1:39 pm

Ok, I've got the .rpm and the .deb fiile coming in as I write this.

Thanks Craig, it is fixed now = super!

I'll tell you folks out there. If you have Nero problems this is the place to get answers. 4 days in the hands of Nero's support was just confusion. Here Craig fixed me in about 6 hours both for the PowerPack and for Nero for Linux. You can't beat that.

catch you later,

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