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Error after burned pics using nero express

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Error after burned pics using nero express

Postby b_atkinson on Sun Feb 27, 2005 2:21 pm

I burned pics using nero express to a CD/R. I started by going through smart start. Then, I used nero express to find the folder with the pics. Then I added the 200 pics and clicked finished. I unchecked mulitsession and set it to make 3 copies. After it was finished making all three copies I attempted to open the pictures using photosnap viewer. I recieved the following error.

I am able to see that the pictures are there when I click "open" in photosnap viewer, but it won't let me double click them to open them up in the viewer. It only shows them as photosnap pics with the photosnap viewer icon next to the file name. It won't let me open the folder even though it shows them as being present.

I am able to open them using PhotoSnap. I just can't open them using PhotoSnap Viewer.

I am able to open it using windows explorer and choosing open with Microsoft Office Picture Manager as well as PhotoSnap, but not PhotoSnap Viewer. The error I get is:

Error: The parameter is incorrect

I have my system set to use photosnap viewer when pics are viewed from cd.

I have all the latest updates installed.

Help please,
Last edited by b_atkinson on Sun Feb 27, 2005 6:59 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Still Need help

Postby b_atkinson on Sun Feb 27, 2005 5:38 pm

I'm still needing some help, please.
Buffer Underrun
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other programs will open it

Postby b_atkinson on Sun Feb 27, 2005 7:28 pm

I can open it with HP Image zone, and Windows Picture and fax viewer.
I just can't open it with photosnap viewer.

File name is DSC00424.

Is a JPEG and is 1.98 meg

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Postby CCampbell on Sun Feb 27, 2005 10:20 pm

Just curiious, are you able to copy a 2 or 3 files from that CD to your Hard Drive and then view the files with PhotoSnap Viewer?


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Postby b_atkinson on Sun Feb 27, 2005 11:58 pm

Thanks for writing back. I was able to save them to my desktop and then open them using photosnap viewer. The error does not occur when I did as you asked.

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Postby CCampbell on Mon Feb 28, 2005 4:04 pm

Yeah, my thought is this is a bug. :D

I'm able to duplicate your issue. I've generated a bug report on this issue.


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Postby alchip80 on Mon Feb 28, 2005 10:43 pm


On this related subject, I just came across another photosnap issue.

1. Open photosnap and open a photo
2. click on Crop and do a ctl-C to copy
3. ctl-v to another program like Nero Cover Designer
4. open another photo and crop and then ctl-c

photosnap then crashes and gives an error: photosnap.exe caused an error in ole32.dll and program will shut down. :evil:

this is easily recreated. You do not have to paste the file to another program,
you can just ctrl-c and move the crop to another spot and ctrl-c again and it will crash. :roll:

OS is winXP sp1 with all updates.

I am able to recreate this on several XP systems.
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Postby CCampbell on Tue Mar 01, 2005 2:20 pm

Hi Alchip80,

I followed your instructions excactly, and I am not able to reproduce your error.

I even kept Nero Cover Designer open, just in case that was a factor, but I am still able to select a second picture, select Crop and Ctrl-C and then copy the second picture in Nero Cover Designer or any other program. In fact I went as far as doing this 4 times in a row and pasting into Cover Designer, Paint, and Word programs, all open at the same time without generateing this error.

The only factor I can think of that is different, is that I have XP SP2 installed on my systems. I'll have to test on a new system that has SP1 only, all my systems now have SP2 here in the lab for our tests.


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Postby alchip80 on Tue Mar 01, 2005 5:21 pm

HI, Craig

It is possible that even though I have the lastest updates which essentially is sp2, w/o being sp2. I also will take one system and update to sp2 on it. Just trying to avoid sp2 :D

The curious thing is that the previous versions were no problem.

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Postby CCampbell on Wed Mar 02, 2005 2:28 pm

Hi Alchip80,

Just tested on two systems with XP SP1, clean systems of course, and could not duplicate the issue there either.

I'll have a colleague of mine test this, as he has an XP SP1 system that has a lot of 'crap' on it, so his is a more valid test in my mind. I'll let you know what he comes back with.


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Postby alchip80 on Fri Mar 11, 2005 12:20 pm


Thank you for responding, and sorry about the late reply, was away on a job. I took 1 system and did a clean install of XP sp2 and was unable to recreate the problem, My son while I was away reinstalled his system with XP SP1 + all updates and had no problems.

Not really sure at this time what precipitated the sudden problem, other than I did install a backup that I had done 2 weeks prior to updating to lastest Nero. and found that with installing Nero on that I could recreate this problem.

It's possible that some change in the lastest version and some exisisting driver issue created the senario. who knows, I just don't have the time,to sit down and throughly investigate the issue.

Once again, Thanks. for checking into this. :)
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