CowboySlim wrote:Hey, lookee here, I'm at 1111. I'm not going to post ever again. I'll just keep editing this one and use links to get to the new posts that I'm really responding to.
VEFF wrote:Yes, I think the $30 rebate is store-independent, although prospective buyers might want to contact Plextor to verify this).
I saw this $101 price mentioned at a Hot Deals site.
$71 after rebate + tax on $101 is nice, BUT I will personally wait a bit:
1) Because 8X DL burners (NEC ND-3540A e.g.) will come out relatively soon
2)I finally, after 2 1/2 - 2 3/4 months burned some discs on my 3500A, so I am not in a big rush to get a burner for my other desktop I guess.
VEFF wrote:VEFF wrote:Yes, I think the $30 rebate is store-independent, although prospective buyers might want to contact Plextor to verify this).
I saw this $101 price mentioned at a Hot Deals site.
$71 after rebate + tax on $101 is nice, BUT I will personally wait a bit:
1) Because 8X DL burners (NEC ND-3540A e.g.) will come out relatively soon
2)I finally, after 2 1/2 - 2 3/4 months burned some discs on my 3500A, so I am not in a big rush to get a burner for my other desktop I guess.
As what happens with some other hot products out there, BB's price just jumped up $29 from $101 to $129.99.
beach-hobo wrote:Here we go:
Use the BB 10% off logon link:
On-Line Order = $117
10% discount from Logon link (-$10)
Plextor Rebate good to 3/31 (-$30)
BB Rebate 3/27 to 4/02 (-$30)
TOTAL Cost $117 - $70 = $47
ETP wrote:Ok! I corrected my math // $69-10% is still a great deal. Good luck on the extra $30 rebate. You will need it!
PS/can you do the rebate twice? like buy two units?
CowboySlim wrote:Roger that, VEff,
Doesn't matter, though - sold out.
Over and out.
CowboySlim wrote:10-4 on the truck, Veff, good luck on the alignment.
I finally decided to order and then they were sold out. Well, OK, I have another plan that just might work. I'll go in tomorrow to see if they have any unopened returns. It worked Black Friday. They were out of the LCD that I wanted by 6:03 when I got to that part of the store. Some strange force pulled me back in early that afternoon when I was driving bye on another errand. I thought that perhaps one of the geeks could "find" one in the back that they were holding back for after the sale. He took me right up to ther return counter and handed me one.
CowboySlim wrote:10-4, Veff, I'll keep my eye out for the next sale event. This isn't like buying a car off the lot where the guy says that you gotta' get in now because it won't be there tomorrow at that price. For high techory, there is always one more sale and my creeping digititus is not so bad that I can't wait.
CowboySlim wrote:10-4 on the truck, Veff, good luck on the alignment.
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