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How do you add audio to vcd in nero vision express?

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How do you add audio to vcd in nero vision express?

Postby b_atkinson on Sun Mar 06, 2005 4:51 pm

Just created first VCD. Saved it. Then wanted to go back and add music to the slide show. I am lost here. I tried dragging and dropping but it would not drop the wma file. I also am kind of lost on how to get back to the right place to make edits for music and to change from 4.3 to 16.9 aspect.

Ok. found my project and have it opened in Vision Express. However, when I try to drag an audio file (compact disc audio file) to the content window it never allows me to drop it from windows explorer to the content area even though I have it selected for the audio file content window. It always keeps the circle with the bar through it. What do I do to add the audio?

I tried to create a new group to add my audio files to my hard drive from my cd. However, when the all supported files is selected (by default it appears to be selected) it does not show the songs. When I scroll to wma files it does not show the files. But, it does show the files if I select "all files" at the bottom of the list. It is a wma file. It was purchased from napster and burned to cd. I am not sure what I am doing wrong, but it looks like it does not like the file format. But the user guide or help guide said that wma files were ok to be used. Any thoughts?
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Postby CCampbell on Mon Mar 07, 2005 6:19 am

I'm not sure if NVE will accepted a DRM protected WMA audio file at this time.

Nero Express and Nero Buring ROM will, as it has the ability to check for licenese to confirm if you have the writes to the audio file. You may need to convert the WMA file to MP3 so that DRM is no longer an issue before NVE will work with such files.

I am not at this time in a position to test and see if NVE will work with DRM protected WMA audio files. Sorry.


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