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Nero Vision Express : cut, trim, or what ever

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Nero Vision Express : cut, trim, or what ever

Postby Rich on Tue Mar 01, 2005 7:50 am


I just saw a nice scenic video after the local evening news and thought wow, that'd be nice to see again.

I chopped it out with virtual dub and crunched it with divx, no problem. Done in no time and nice job too.

Then I figured I'd like to make it an mpg and brought out Nero Vision Express since it'll export to mpg.

I processed my original OUTPUT file from virtualdub (which used divx to crunch it) and Nero Vision Express distorted the aspect ratio, which didn't even catch my attention really. I just saw that DIVX logo and wanted to get rid of it so next I struck out to use Nero Vision Express on my original file (from an ATI USB TV Wonder).

I spent nearly an hour after which I was cussing and really beside myself.

Nero Vision Express has a .... gee I gotta hold back those flaming descriptions, .. well it has a very-very poor interface. There that was nice enough.

I think Nero should stay away from video editing until they can come up with a usable interface. The cut or trim option are very poorly described how to with the popup bubble help. It tells you nothing really.

The next thing they should do is just to simply add the option to mark a range and 'DELETE' it (with the delete key).

I was just trying to get hold of a 90 second portion from of the 30 min video and export it to a mpg. Every single way I tried with nero vision express deleted exactly the part that I was trying to save. GOSH it burned me up.

later, and thankx,
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Postby hoxlund on Tue Mar 01, 2005 11:40 am

if your serious about video editing go with pinnacle studio
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Postby CCampbell on Tue Mar 01, 2005 2:13 pm

Hi Rich,

How were you doing the trim?

We have a How To Guide in PDF format on our website that describes in detail how to Cut and Trim content using the Edit feature in NeroVision Express.

You can click on the scissors icon and then select a range to cut from. You set a Start and End point. You can use the counter in the Preview window to select an exact point in the timeline to start or end. Or you can use the Green arrows to move frame by frame till you get to the exact location you wish to cut from.


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Postby Rich on Tue Mar 01, 2005 5:26 pm

CCampbell wrote:Hi Rich,

How were you doing the trim?

I'll try fool with it again tonight. It is nice to have a tool to make mpg's.

I was trying to mark the left side and cut it and then mark the right side and cut it thus to leave the part I wanted which was 'within' the video but it always gone after the 2nd cut.

What they should do Craig is to make this thing "THINK" like native windows. It SHOULD be a natural experience. I've cut and pasted audio for instance with Sound Blaster's own wave editor (just about the best wave editor as far as Im concerned) and Craig you don't have to read or learn anything. That thing 'thinks' just like windows, so it's natural to work with.

I'll look for the pdf though and see if I can figure it out. Just seems silly to have to for such a simple task.

Thanks for the reply,

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Postby Rich on Tue Mar 01, 2005 5:33 pm

hoxlund wrote:if your serious about video editing go with pinnacle studio

I'm not into spending money for it right now. If I was a friend is all into tmpgenc but hopefully I can find a way to do editing with virtualdub and then convert with nero express.

It's not a big deal. I figure somewhere along the way a mpg tool will come along for free and I can convert all my avi's.

I am getting tired of having the divx logo though. Seems like since I paid for it I could loose that aspect.

I do love virtualdub though. For editing I can't hardly see anything being easier or more comprehensive. One thing it could use though would be an easier tool to sinc the sound with. I think that should be do-able with a slide control while video is playing. That way you go to 3-4 points in the video and watch and move like say use a horizontal slider at the bottom back and forth while the video plays to shift the sound until it is in sinc; then move to the next test spot.

thankx hoxlund,
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Postby ZamboniGuy on Wed Mar 02, 2005 1:31 am

I have to agree - Pinnacle is so damn easy to use and intuitive I do almost all of my editing on it. Use to use Premiere. What a difference! A bargain at twice the price....
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Postby Rich on Wed Mar 02, 2005 4:18 am

hoxlund wrote:if your serious about video editing go with pinnacle studio

ZamboniGuy wrote:I have to agree - Pinnacle is so damn easy to use and intuitive I do almost all of my editing on it. Use to use Premiere. What a difference! A bargain at twice the price....

Hey guys,

Just curious for comparison sake, have either of you used virtualdub?

Thankx, Rich
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Postby ZamboniGuy on Wed Mar 02, 2005 5:04 am

Rich wrote:Hey guys,

Just curious for comparison sake, have either of you used virtualdub?

Thankx, Rich

Well, unless it's changed quite a lot since I last used it, trying to fix some downloaded movies with glitches, I'm not quite sure they are in the same league. I use Pinnacle Studio to edit "MTV Style" skydiving videos professionally (and I've spiced up wedding videos and home movies and such) because it's ease of use is extraordinary. Automatic clip detection and thumbnail galllery indexing; drag and drop timeline editing, transitions, titles and effects, easy and intuitive audio and A-B video mixing. "Ken Burns" documentary type dynamic manipulation of still images to spice them up...

If you're working on home movies or anything like, you owe it to yourself to try it out. This last summer I did exclusively DVD non-linear editing for the first time for all my videos; and the results are so much nicer then the industry standard "on the fly" mixes. A bit more time consuming, but once I got the hang of it, created some easily modified stock titles and collected appropriate stock footage; when I kept to my shooting script I turned out 11-13 minute films with lots of clips and good story-telling and action in about an hour.
But what the hey, they were great advertising and I was able to charge a premium for the DVD treatment, so it was worth it.

Try it!
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Postby CCampbell on Wed Mar 02, 2005 2:39 pm

To be honest, there is an easier way to Cut the begining and the End so that you only have whats in the middle, and you do not need to click on the 'Scissor' icon.

From the Edit window, just click on the Start Position arrow in the Preivew window and slide it to where you want the Video to begin from. You can use the counter and green arrows to get it possitioned exactly where you want. Then click on the End position arrow and drag it to where you want the video to end, again using the counter to position it exactly if you prefer.

Now you have just cut out the star and end portions of the video, and you did not need to use the cut feature.

But I understand what you mean by our process being different from the Windows norm.


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Postby hoxlund on Wed Mar 02, 2005 2:42 pm

as long as your here Craig, i have a feature for the next nero to incorporate

you already have a select all button in nero vision epxress install

how about putting in a select none?
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Postby CCampbell on Wed Mar 02, 2005 6:47 pm

hoxlund wrote:as long as your here Craig, i have a feature for the next nero to incorporate

you already have a select all button in nero vision epxress install

how about putting in a select none?

Not sure I follow. Select 'none'?

What exactly are you trying to accomplish if you do not wish to install any of the components? Or is this a joke that just went over my head? :)


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Postby hoxlund on Thu Mar 03, 2005 2:08 am

no, you know how after you install nero vision express, then it asks what file formats you want associated with NVE, you can click on select all

but if you want none selected you have to uncheck every box that is checked by default
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Postby CCampbell on Thu Mar 03, 2005 2:23 pm

Ahh, now it's clear. :D

And that is a good idea. I'll put in the request now.


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Postby hoxlund on Thu Mar 03, 2005 2:50 pm

yeah because i know im not the only one that wants this
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Postby Rich on Sun Mar 06, 2005 6:59 am

CCampbell wrote:To be honest, there is an easier way to Cut the begining and the End so that you only have whats in the middle, and you do not need to click on the 'Scissor' icon.

From the Edit window, just click on the Start Position arrow in the Preivew window and slide it to where you want the Video to begin from. You can use the counter and green arrows to get it possitioned exactly where you want. Then click on the End position arrow and drag it to where you want the video to end, again using the counter to position it exactly if you prefer.

Now you have just cut out the star and end portions of the video, and you did not need to use the cut feature.

But I understand what you mean by our process being different from the Windows norm.



Hi Craig,

Sorry for the lag time I was workin my part time job the past 2 days and just got back to the thread.

I tried this and it worked. Thanks.

The counters did help tremendously and having minutes and seconds selectable made it very easy.

This should be considered what it is actually doing, however, and be called 'Cropping'.

It may simplify it if they had a 'crop' button and a cut button. Cut would be to cut it for pasting into another project or application.

Thanks again,
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Postby CCampbell on Mon Mar 07, 2005 6:50 am

Hi Craig,

Sorry for the lag time I was workin my part time job the past 2 days and just got back to the thread.

I tried this and it worked. Thanks.

The counters did help tremendously and having minutes and seconds selectable made it very easy.

This should be considered what it is actually doing, however, and be called 'Cropping'.

It may simplify it if they had a 'crop' button and a cut button. Cut would be to cut it for pasting into another project or application.

Thanks again,

We thought just having the option in the main Edit window to 'Crop' by setting the Start and End points would be a more simplified way of doing things. And the 'CUT' feature is meant to remove middle portions of the video, such as commercials, from the video.

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Postby Rich on Mon Mar 07, 2005 9:01 am

CCampbell wrote:
We thought just having the option in the main Edit window to 'Crop' by setting the Start and End points would be a more simplified way of doing things. And the 'CUT' feature is meant to remove middle portions of the video, such as commercials, from the video.


Hi Craig, Your 'CUT' should just be renamed to 'Delete'. Ideally it should have 'Cut', 'Copy', 'Crop' (which may be the same as trim), and 'Delete'.

And, maybe even paste.

Thanks for the interest Craig. Have a great morning.


You know Delete, Craig, .... that's what we do with Roxio.

:D :wink:
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