I don't believe it is a software conflict as I had only Windows XP SP2 and DVD Decrypter on my computer after a recent reformat and still had this issue. I know of a couple people at least who also have this issue, who responded to some other threads about it.
I now only have MediaPlayer 10, Office 2002, Photoshop 7 and MusicMatch 7.5 in addition to Nero and XP. A couple other recent add.s surely don't matter as I've had the problem a long time. If it was a problem with Clone-CD, what was the conflict? (I've never even seen this program - but I'm very curious how IT could make NERO eject disks).
I've got an internal Memorex F16 DVD Burner, and Memorex something or other CD burner, if that is an issue. But I'd hope not, since you bundled your software with them both. (Though I paid full retail for the Nero Ultra Edition Retail box, inexplicably ... . I guess I really wanted that red label applicator I never used).
This part bugs me when I hear it isn't a problem with Nero, but me. But thanks for the info.
CCampbell wrote:The Eject issue I am not able to duplicate with Nero Express, Nero Burning ROM, or Nero BackItUp. In all cases, the eject is prevented if you have the preference set for it not to eject the disc after a write operation.
But that's the kicker, ain't it? My problem lies with Recode!
You see, I'd like to let Nero think, compress, and burn a disk while I (a) go to sleep, or (b) go to Taco Bell (a 'fast food' restaurant for you international folks) ... or sometimes, even maybe, once in a while - on very special occasions only - (c) go to work. And trust Nero not to leave my DVD door open, exposing disk and burner to the dust all day / night. I'd be much more productive If I didn't have to babysit Nero, ready to put the disk away and reclose the drive door when it finishes burning and attempts to batter open my desk drawer.
It's nice that Burning Rom and BackItUp might not eject the disk, but those programs never take more than 8 minutes to do their thing anyway. Nero might take an hour.
Thanks again for your time....