I received an email from nero's tech support telling me to use the cleaner and get rid of possible driver corruption regarding INCD4. Sonic's record now came with my zv5340us (hp pavillion notebook) that I just got. I have been learning nero for the first time and had quite a few errors, etc. I have ironed most of them out except for an issue of not being able to copy a data dvd (contains about 3.5 gig of pictures taken on digital camera). The data was was saved onto a dvd+rw that I formatted using INCD4. I tried to copy it to a recordable dvd+r. I kept getting errors at about 20% of the reading process of the disc to be copied. I sent in all the info tool info and saved file as they asked.
AFter using the info tool and a copy of the saved file error they told me to use the clean tool to disable other drivers that are conflicting.
My question: Is there any reason I would not want to follow that advice? Is sonic going to be a software program that I will want on my laptop? Is nero 6 got everything and then some that sonic had so I need not worry about the loss of functionality of sonic by using the clean tool?