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Does Nero Express crash anyone else's machine?

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Does Nero Express crash anyone else's machine?

Postby fearworks on Thu Feb 24, 2005 12:48 pm

Ok, here goes.

4 burners: Pioneer 105, Pioneer 106, Pioneer 107, NEC 2510A.
All connected to the IDE sockets directly on the motherboard.

3 HD drives, connected via a RAID card.

I installed Nero, and Nero Express crashed my machine - Blue Screen Of Death (the XP version, no less!!). If Express started up the first time, it would crash the machine the second or third time I tried.

Nero does exactly the same thing. CRASH! I seem to be able to run Express once, but when I close Express and run it again I still get a crash.

Now don't get me wrong - I still prefer the old fashioned manual labour of dragging my files and so on - I don't use Nero Express, but I'm reluctant to use ANY piece of software that exhibits unstability, even in areas I don't use. It's a sign of deeper problems....maybe.

So I've gone back to version which I first began using in the middle of 2004, but at least it doesn't seem to have this problem!

Anyone else have this problem or is it just me that it doesn't like??
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Postby CCampbell on Thu Feb 24, 2005 3:29 pm

What AntiVirus software do you have?

I have only one other customer who has reported an issue with Nero crashing their system when it launches.

The customer found that uninstalling his AntiVirus software seems to have resolved the issue. Of course, it's only been a few days, and he needs to test for a week or so to make sure this issue does not suddenly return.

Once he is sure, he will respond back to let me know his results, so that I can then create a Bug report on this issue and obtain a sample of the AntiVirus software to try and resolve the issue.

I can not remember off hand what the AntiVirus software was, but I do know it was not the common Norton, MaCAfee, or Dr.Web.


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Postby GrrRon on Fri Feb 25, 2005 3:56 am

Are you using ZoneAlarm?
My troubles with Nero went away when I started using an other Firewall.
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Postby fearworks on Sat Feb 26, 2005 7:05 pm

Well, I'm using AVG Free Edition (from Grisoft) and ZoneAlarm.

I haven't tried uninstalling them to test (simply coz I like both these programs - they "serve 'n' protect" me!).

It's worth a try though, but how come earlier versions don't have this problem? What's been implemented in later versions that might conflict with anti-virus or firewall software??

Cheers for the replies so far!
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Postby CCampbell on Sun Feb 27, 2005 10:11 pm

To be honest, the ZoneAlarm issue I've seen reported before, but I have this on all our systems, because our IT say's its mandatory, and I've not been able to duplicate this issue.

I suspect there is a third catalyst needed, for ZoneALarm and Nero to have such conflicts, but I've not yet found it.

As for AntiViruses, I only know of the one that has been reported as being an issue. I've tested with the most popular ones such as Norton, MacAfee, Dr.WEB, etc and have not duplicated this issue.


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