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How install latest update

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How install latest update

Postby Howard Kaikow on Mon Feb 21, 2005 6:47 pm

What are the disk space requirements for installing the update?
It seems that the update is not very bright about placing its temporary files.

Win 2000 is on the C drive, with only about 368MB available, but the Roxio directory is in Program Files on the D drive with about 1.5GB available.

Yet when I try to apply the update, I run out of room on C, apparently for the following reasons:

1. The update is not bright enough to locate the temporary files on a drive with sufficient space.

2. The update takes it upon itself to install version 3 of Windows Installer, for which I have no need and was not asked for permission.

When I run windows update, it has never ben suggested that I need to update to version 3 of windows installer, so I do not need it.

How can I cause the update to place its temporary files on a more sensible location?

How can I cause the update to NOT install version 3 of windows installer?
Howard Kaikow
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Postby dodecahedron on Tue Feb 22, 2005 1:47 pm

1. stupid updater... i don't think you can solve this.
mmm....maybe try this:
control panel -> system -> Advanced tab -> Environment Variables
(this is for WinXP, i'm sure there's something similar for Win2K)
and change the User Variables TEMP and TMP.

2. i would guess the updater requires Windows Installer 3. so i don't think you'll be able to bypass it.
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Postby Howard Kaikow on Wed Feb 23, 2005 5:45 pm

Pardon me whilst I let off some steam!


Ah, that felt good!

See http://boards.support.roxio.com/roxio/b ... 6777#M6777.
Howard Kaikow
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