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Sony DRU-710A and Nero question - can't set burn speed


Sony DRU-710A and Nero question - can't set burn speed

Postby stl-tom on Mon Feb 21, 2005 2:07 pm

I just purchased the Sony DRU-710A and updated the Firmware to BY02. I also installed the OEM version of NERO that came with the burner.

The discs I burn play OK but I have a burning question. When I go to burn the disc, the only burn (write) speed I have is the speed of the disk (4x for 4x discs, 2x for 2x discs, etc). I can't slow the burner down to 1x should I want to.

I have tried reflashing the firmware to BY01 to see if that would make a difference.

If I use DVD Decryper, that will let me choose my own speed but for some reason, Nero won't.

Does anyone have any suggestions?


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Postby VideoRoy on Mon Feb 21, 2005 7:45 pm

I have seen this as well on my 710A but I thought it was a function of the media. I just checked when using the same media and Nero in my PX-716A I have exactly the same choices.

Perhaps it is Nero. Might be better to discuss this in the Nero section.
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Postby btiger on Tue Feb 22, 2005 8:45 pm

I've the same Sony DRU-710A with BY01, and using Nero and it would default to MAX, however Nero would also let me drop down to 6X, 4X, 2.4X and I think 1X.

BTW I am using W2K Pro (SP3/4).
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