by cfitz on Thu Feb 10, 2005 12:04 pm
Before you get too self-righteous and proclaim that the only people who miss out on rebates are lazy slobs who can't follow directions, know that there truly are rebate houses that do rip-off completely legitimate rebate submissions.
I think I am more retentive than your average bear, and when I submit rebates I always read and follow the directions explicitly, make and keep copies of all my rebate materials and receipts, and send in the rebate form with either a certificate of mailing or by certified mail with return receipt (depending on the value of the rebate) to prove date of submission. Nevertheless, I was still cheated by Mad Dog on a sound card rebate.
One of the rebate terms was that I register the product on their website. I did so, and printed the registration confirmation screen as proof. Mad Dog, however, claimed that I didn't. Unfortunately, all the evidence I had that proved otherwise was totally worthless, because Mad Dog simply refused to respond to me. Phone calls, emails and letters all went unanswered. What was I to do? Fly out to Arizona and pound on their door for a $10 rebate?
Great for you if you can play the rebate game and make it work for you, but that doesn't change the fact that rebates are fundamentally rip-offs, whether by outright cheating as I experienced or by simply enforcing redemption terms that are so onerous that the majority are never redeemed. How can you argue that a rebate with a face "value" of $10 but that in reality, for whatever reason, only pays an average of $2 is not a rip-off? Try looking at the bigger picture.
Even rebates that are redeemed are often rip-offs to a degree because many fulfillment houses do not fulfill them in the time period promised. That is your money that they are keeping for 8 weeks, 3 months, 6 months and more. If they insist you comply with all the conditions in the fine print, is it too much to ask that they do the same?
Sorry, but perhaps instead of being superior to everyone else you are just luckier and more willing to embrace a system whose sole purpose is to cheat consumers.
There. You wanted a rant? You got one.