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Nero Receives Official LightScribe Certification

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Nero Receives Official LightScribe Certification

Postby Ian on Tue Feb 01, 2005 1:13 pm

Nero Receives Official LightScribe Certification,
Direct Disc Labeling Technology Integrated Into Nero 6 Software

Technology Allows the User to Burn Professional-Looking, Silkscreen-Quality CD/DVD Labels Directly onto Discs from Home or Office PCs

Karlsbad, Germany (February 1, 2005) -- Nero, leaders in digital media technology, announced today that it has partnered with LightScribe to bring the Direct Disc Labeling technology to Nero’s vast community of users. With this recent certification, LightScribe and Nero 6 allow the user to take control of the entire digital media creation process from start to finish.

LightScribe Direct Disc Labeling is a new technology that offers consumers and businesses a simple, no-hassle way to burn professional, silkscreen-quality labels on their CDs and DVDs. Using the same laser that burns data in their disc drives, users burn their data as always, flip the disc over, reinsert it into the drive and burn a precise, iridescent label with their desired text and graphics using the same laser that burns the data – no printer, permanent marker or adhesive labeling is required.

“We are excited to be working closely with LightScribe to integrate its technology into our software offerings,” said Jim Corbett, Executive Director of Nero AG. “Nero’s family of award-winning digital media product is the perfect complement to LightScribe’s Direct Disc Labeling, as it provides the final touches.”

“Nero will deliver LightScribe to a huge base of new customers through its more than 160 million enthusiasts and its well-known reputation for providing new technology to the market,” said Kevin Jefcoate, Marketing Programme Manager, LightScribe Europe.

The LightScribe technology uses the optical drive’s existing laser to deliver precisely controlled light energy to the disc through an innovative circular writing system. Where the energy focuses on the disc, a visible chemical change occurs in the dye coating. The result is a high-resolution reproduction of artwork, text or photos.

Nero 6 with LightScribe support will be available for downloading beginning of February on www.nero.com.

About Nero
Nero provides state-of-the-art software solutions for the global digital media market. Since the company was founded in 1995, its products have established a loyal clientele of more than 160 million users throughout the world.

Nero offers the industry’s most reliable CD/DVD-software applications. Its award-winning flagship product, Nero 6, includes all the applications and functionalities needed in the digital media field. Other Nero products include the MPEG 4 based audio/video technology - Nero Digital™, the simple and complete photo solution - Nero PhotoShow Elite, and SIPPS™ and SIPPSTAR PBX, which provide voice-over IP solutions for private and business customers.

Nero products are globally distributed by leading hardware manufacturers, international distribution partners and online portals, as well as directly via www.nero.com. Nero Inc. in Glendale, California, USA and Nero K.K. in Yokohama, Japan are subsidiaries of Nero AG, based in Karlsbad, Germany.

About LightScribe
LightScribe Direct Disc Labeling offers consumers and businesses a simple, no-hassle way to burn professional, silkscreen-quality labels on their CDs and DVDs. LightScribe extends standard optical media, recorders and software with an integrated system of media with special laser-sensitive coating, laser control and imaging drive modifications, and labeling software enhancements. LightScribe uses the same laser that burns data in the disc drive to create precise, iridescent labels. LightScribe technology was developed and patented by HP. LightScribe is currently being licensed by optical industry leaders in drive and media manufacturing and by media and software brands. Additional information about LightScribe is available at www.lightscribe.com.
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Pioneer and lightscribe

Postby margrave on Tue Feb 01, 2005 5:32 pm

Does anyone know if Pioneer will be supporting lightscribe and if so when ?

Thanks... :-?
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Postby Pilgrim on Wed Feb 02, 2005 2:08 pm

The prospect of being able to label disks in this manner is marvelous. But its introduction begs certain questions:

1) When will this be included in Nero 6.xxx?
2) What other requirements will be necessary, if any, to use this? e.g., a specialized burner, firmware upgrade to current brands/models, etc.?

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Postby agomes on Wed Feb 02, 2005 3:00 pm

Some manufacturers announced support for it, starting from HP (the owner?)
I saw a reference that the last external LG would do it but when the test came no reference at all to the subject. Same for the internal 4163B.

As the news say:

Nero will deliver LightScribe to a huge base of new customers through its more than 160 million enthusiasts and its well-known reputation for providing new technology to the market,” said Kevin Jefcoate, Marketing Programme Manager, LightScribe Europe.

The LightScribe technology uses the optical drive’s existing laser to deliver precisely controlled light energy to the disc through an innovative circular writing system. Where the energy focuses on the disc, a visible chemical change occurs in the dye coating. The result is a high-resolution reproduction of artwork, text or photos. "

Does it mean that the software alone will be able to do it? No need for special drives supporting the feature? And if possible, if the manufacturers will allow the firmware to do it (new version necessary?).

It can be a bit naive to admit the possibility, but does anyone know about the requirements?
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Postby jberry on Thu Feb 03, 2005 1:47 pm

you need special media for one thing...just another dye surfacr to worry about......

see: http://www.lightscribe.com/

takes 40 min to do..slooooooooow

bunch of warnings on their page to: sunlight wrecks it as do fingerprints:


is a gimmic at this point in time....
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