I have been having problems copying a dvd that i have about 3.5 gig of pics stored on. i get errors when using the copy dvd and I also tried copy cd just for the heck of it.
I ran info tool and noticed that nero aspi were found but "system" aspi are missing. Could this be a problem. I have little to no experience with nero and don't know what an aspi is. But I can't seem to get my software to work properly. Plus, I have all the updates installed. I had to uninstall incd4 and reinstall it from update site (only installing update) and this got around a problem I had where it would not let me install the new version.
Please help on my problem with copying a dvd that I formatted using incd4 and then wanted to copy to a recordable dvd. However, can't get to the burn process because fails while making image of dvd that I am copying from.