by Hergest on Tue Jan 18, 2005 7:48 pm
I just tried a complete uninstall, including uninstalling Nero Burn Rights, as this fixed an installation problem once before.
I ran all the clean tools I could find, and then reinstalled Nero Burn Rights followed by all the Nero packages.
I still get exactly the same error.
Incidentally, I have some other minor gripes about the installation process:
1. Nero Burn Rights does not allow me to change the installation path, so although I have Nero, NVE, NMP and InCD in P:\System Tools\Ahead, Nero Burn Rights always has to install to C:\Program Files\Ahead\Nero Burn Rights.
2. The default install folder for Nero packages is C:\Program Files\Ahead. I thought Ahead was no more! Shouldn't this be C:\Program Files\Nero for new clean installations?
3. Nero Shortcuts on the Start menu go straight into All Programs\Nero. As I have so many applications, etc, I put applications into groups under All Programs. It would be nice if the installer allowed the path to the shortcut group to be specified. Other installer sosftware packages allow this.
4. When installing the Nero package, it creates a "Nero 6 Demo" shortcut group, even though it picks up my serial number during installation (I assume this means the clean tool isn't actually cleaning some registry keys somewhere!). As a result, after running Nero Burning Rom the first time, it creates another "Nero 6" shortcut group, leaving the demo group behind too. Especially annoying after I have moved the shortcuts to a different path after point 3 above.