This one has the MVP / DELL / MSWMP / EXPERTS FORUM and a whole bunch of other people confused. I'm new to this forum, have had a look around and perhaps, I may be at "the right place".
It's easy to grasp.
Dell PC, 1GB RAM, 2.66, XP, all bang up to date with software, registry, Windows components, drivers WMP10,... everything I can think of.
Install CD (audio, original or copied, it does not matter).
Drive spins up.
and up...
and up...
Until it's clearly at MAX.
CD plays.
I'm then forced to try and listen to a CD play with this drive spinning itself into the next century.
I have NERO CD speed installed, (latest version) and have tried every setting of speed and spin down time
I have tried other Players (tonight I tried REAL ALTERNATIVE - no difference.
They all spin the CD up.
I installed AXIALIS CD player, and the spin up speed was much lower, but the s/w was trial version only.
also, The TIME it stays at high speed, seems somewhat variable. It's never less than 15 minutes, but after this, it can slow down from time to time.
Normal - playing CD's using WMP or POWER DVD, the drive is silent.
I am totally ready to adjust anything everything, but be aware, I've "rolled back, upgraded, re-installed" just about anything and everything.
It feels like there is some gi-huge buffer somewhere in my PC just being filled up with music. I've tried every setting that seems to be be relavent in WMP10.
Drive is HD-DT-ST RW/DVD Gcc 4480B (LG ?)
PLease PM or Post.. and put me out of my misery