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How can I see My Writer Writes CD-Text to CD-r's?

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How can I see My Writer Writes CD-Text to CD-r's?

Postby Pat on Fri Jan 07, 2005 7:56 am

:( Hi after recently getting a new 300 CD multi changer Sony player, which supports CD Text - I was rather shocked to see how few CD's out there have CD-Text.
So on my new CD's I am trying burning , (mainly from recorded Vinyl records into WAV and MP3 files), of course I would like to add CD-Text - I have downloaded various trial versions of sofware from the Web, Goldhawk, Nero etc who all claim to write CD Text, but it doesn't work. They burn the music fine; but they do not have CD Text on them.

I have a HP Pavillion with a HP DVD Writer 300C, according to the Nero system search thing, the 300C can read CD-Text but does not mention writing CDText. HP are their usual unhelpful self, I think they have never heard of CD-Text.
Before I give up and start compliling an Excel sheet to keep by the player; any ideas? Ta Pat :(
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Postby Bhairav on Fri Jan 07, 2005 8:47 am

Nero writes CD Text fine. My Discman reads CD-Text, and if I write a CD with the CD text option enabled, it shows the little "cd-text" icon on the display and reads the track information.
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Postby MediumRare on Fri Jan 07, 2005 2:22 pm

Have a look at this post:
(and maybe the rest of the thread).

The cd-player software mentioned works great and shows cd-text information if present (I use it all the time :D).

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Postby Pat on Mon Jan 10, 2005 4:25 am

:D Thanks - the Demo version of Nero had a little glitch and is now ok after reloading - it writes CD Text now, however it is the only Software , I have got to work, hence me doubting my CD Writer, - I have tried Goldhawk, Fiero , Sonic and a host of others, and they don't do it; lots of helpful hints from their tech support; but basically I think it is a dreaded ASPI issue (and thats after downloading every ASPI related thing I could find) - when I run the Nero Toolbox utility, on the ASPI tab is says none detected - until I select the Nero ASPI.

Anyway bottom line is it works now . Not sure Nero is the best CD Burner programme - but it works thats the main thing for CD Text. So better pay up to Nero before my Demo version expires.

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