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How Can I Capture Movies From DVR- Edit On PC Software?

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How Can I Capture Movies From DVR- Edit On PC Software?

Postby rckowal on Tue Dec 28, 2004 8:19 pm

I'm looking for the preferred method/software for capturing a movie from TV onto DVD (+R/RW or -R/RW) using an STB DVR; then loading it to the hard drive on my PC. Using the PC, I want to edit it to clean up any unwanted scenes, commercials, etc.; add an opening title; then burn that compilation to DVD +R.

I am quite familiar with using DVD Shrink to edit & burn movies when backing them up from commercial DVD's. However, that software doesn't seem to work for movies that I capture from the TV. Maybe I'm missing some thing.

Some assistance will be much appreciated.
Best regards
Buffer Underrun
Posts: 5
Joined: Sun Dec 26, 2004 9:35 pm

How about

Postby shaun on Wed Dec 29, 2004 9:07 am

While there are a lot more powerful (and complicated) proggies out there, for what you want to do Ulead's DVD Movie Factory 3 should do the job :)

My wife (computer technoklutz) used it to edit the Christmas concert footage of our daughter into a nice present for the grandparents.
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Postby rckowal on Wed Dec 29, 2004 10:31 am

Hi Shaun, Thanks for the idea.

I started to look into that software but was a bit dismayed by some of the negative comments that I saw in reviews. Regardless of the merits of almost any software, it seems that there are people who prefer to gripe about its downside (or failure to use it properly).

I think I'll go back & look again. The best way to evaluate it will be to try the 30 day free trial to test it for myself.
Best regards
Buffer Underrun
Posts: 5
Joined: Sun Dec 26, 2004 9:35 pm

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