Ian wrote:I get a cut of the profit you're making off that right?
hoxlund wrote:mine sold a few minutes after i brought them home
final profits to me were $80 per drive, theres suckers born every galgamic second
VEFF wrote:Ian wrote:I get a cut of the profit you're making off that right?
LOL. Yes, toward a fund for a new, stronger shelf to hold your drives before the current one buckles.
I was thinking about the profits earlier today:
Thanks to ebay's listing fees (extra for bold etc.), final value fee, PayPal
fees, it will not exactly be a ton of money, percentagewise it will be a great return, but dollarwise, it won't be a windfall LOL; it all depends on what it sells for.
Nevertheless, it will be nice.
My goal is to use the proceeds toward a second 16X burner, since my PCs are on two different floors in my home and it would be a lot more convenient to be able to burn on both of course.
I have spent so much on the house renovations and also on holiday / birthday gifts, that I am trying to save a little here and there; this way I don't feel guilty spending more on a 2nd burner.
I also took my parents out for dinner on Monday, which was yet another
$100 quickly spent.
But they deserve it; I feel I owe them a lot more actually.
Wow, sold already.
Maybe my BIN was too low. Originally had it at $52.99, then changed it to $49.99
Heck I am not complaining.
Hox's price is even lower, although he will avoid ebay fees if he sells it here of course...
hoxlund wrote:$80 was what i resolde each for
out the door i only paid the $8.50, tax exempt
LoneWolf wrote:VEFF, the included media made that price a steal to the average consumer, plus the brand name and your feedback record.
My Sapphire Radeon 9700 (non-pro) 128MB with a VGA Silencer and OCZ BGA Ramsinks didn't last an hour at the $115.00 Buy It Now price. On the other hand, my mainboard/cpu/hsf took the whole week. Ended a bit short of BIN price of $100, but at $84.50 (MSI K7N2 Delta-ILSR, Athlon 1600+, Globalwin HSF) it's about where I expected it.
I always put Buy It Now prices just a slight step above what I expect to get. There's a lot of people who are willing to pay another $5-10 to guarantee a purchase or to end an auction early and get a product sooner.
hoxlund wrote:well lets just say we can lookup any tax exempt customer in our store, nuff said
hoxlund wrote:and about the UPC I didn't send in for the rebate, but in any case i would send the original, don't give em any excuse not to accept it
hoxlund wrote:i didn't mention to them about the rebate, just shipped box no receipts or nothing
LoneWolf wrote:VEFF, the included media made that price a steal to the average consumer, plus the brand name and your feedback record.
My Sapphire Radeon 9700 (non-pro) 128MB with a VGA Silencer and OCZ BGA Ramsinks didn't last an hour at the $115.00 Buy It Now price. On the other hand, my mainboard/cpu/hsf took the whole week. Ended a bit short of BIN price of $100, but at $84.50 (MSI K7N2 Delta-ILSR, Athlon 1600+, Globalwin HSF) it's about where I expected it.
I always put Buy It Now prices just a slight step above what I expect to get. There's a lot of people who are willing to pay another $5-10 to guarantee a purchase or to end an auction early and get a product sooner.
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