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Is maxell media any good?


Is maxell media any good?

Postby Hibiki04 on Sat Dec 18, 2004 4:07 am

Just wondering if the Maxell DVD-R 8X (made in japan/ mostly like ty, but not sure) any good compared to its 4X version (made in Japan) in quality wise?

I am planning on getting either the LG 4160B or the Pioneer 108 later this week. What's your take with these drives with the Maxell DVD-Rs? or the +Rs? I'm mainly looking for a drive that has very good writing qualities on the DVDs.

I read in the forum that the 108 burning quality on the TY DVDs stinks with the new firmware? Is this correct or am I just interpreting the information of the P0/P1 wrong here?

On a side note, in the reviews that Ian makes on these drives. I see alot of drives that have questionable write qualities in his conclusion. Is this due to being burnt at the suggested burn speed by the DVD-/+Rs spec or at 16X write speed?

Thanks for your inputs guys
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Postby RJW on Sat Dec 18, 2004 7:31 am

Maxell made in Japan can be made by Maxell and TY.
Both are excellent media.

Both drive like the TY media
LG also likes Maxell own media.
Pioneer I don't know (early firmwares didn't like it but it should be improved that's why I say I don' t know )
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Re: Is maxell media any good?

Postby Gen-An on Sat Dec 18, 2004 9:37 am

Hibiki04 wrote:Just wondering if the Maxell DVD-R 8X (made in japan/ mostly like ty, but not sure) any good compared to its 4X version (made in Japan) in quality wise?

I am planning on getting either the LG 4160B or the Pioneer 108 later this week.

Why not the 4163B?
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Postby Hibiki04 on Sun Dec 19, 2004 7:33 am

My location hasn't started selling the 4163B unts yet.
If it was here, I probably buy that one, since the spec and burn quality on it seems to be pretty good from what I've seen so far
Buffer Underrun
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