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Plextor 716A v1.03 first pics


Plextor 716A v1.03 first pics

Postby Noua on Thu Dec 16, 2004 7:59 am

Okay seems that Plextor has prepared v1.03 (i wonder why) for this wonderful 12x drive... upsss sorry the box says 16x ...

The firmware is not avaliable yet for download but it has been seen in some reports. Also, like in the previous versions, the first appearences were reported in Japan... Here are some links...
and of course

I'm not an expert on japonese so I can't really comment on what's on the web pages...
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Postby aviationwiz on Thu Dec 16, 2004 8:43 am

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Postby BMR on Thu Dec 16, 2004 1:25 pm

aviationwiz wrote:The infidels will get what they deserve

Aviationwiz: What kind of a quote is that???

Since the Muslim world almost exclusively refers to the US as the Infidels are you implying that US citizens are getting or about to get "what they deserve"?

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Postby alexnoe on Thu Dec 16, 2004 1:44 pm

BMR: How does THAT refer to DVD Recordable??? Well, maybe the Plextor 716 is what the US deserves \:D/ :robot: but that's a very weird connection, don't you think?
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Postby aviationwiz on Thu Dec 16, 2004 7:28 pm

BMR wrote:
aviationwiz wrote:The infidels will get what they deserve

Aviationwiz: What kind of a quote is that???

Since the Muslim world almost exclusively refers to the US as the Infidels are you implying that US citizens are getting or about to get "what they deserve"?


They will get what they deserve for electing George Bush. That is a shitty president, and anything that comes along with that, which includes his major fuck ups around the world.

It was originally 'fuck you america, you will get what you deserve.' Some mod made me change it though.
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Postby dolphinius_rex on Thu Dec 16, 2004 7:30 pm

That PX-716a is a very controversial drive isn't it? (trying desperately to keep the conversation on topic...)
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Postby shimman on Thu Dec 16, 2004 8:06 pm

i thought americans & america have been favorable to almost all except few what bush refered as an axis of evil.....guess not :roll:

That PX-716a is a very controversial drive isn't it?

problem of 716a is the price & plextor's good reputations in cdrw drives; for me, i am really hoping that my 712a is still the best because the price i paid for few months ago; however, there are better alternatives....for those invested 150usd a month ago must want to believe that plextor can fix the problems with the firmware upgrade; after all, nec 3500 is a half the price of 716a & i have seen offers of 716a @ 50usd including 50pk of fuji dvd disks after rebate.
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Postby MadBurner on Thu Dec 16, 2004 9:52 pm

My 3rd 716A is on its way back to Plextor!

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Postby vinnie97 on Fri Dec 17, 2004 3:53 am

What's that I see? Sour grapes? :roll:
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Postby Anon-007 on Fri Dec 17, 2004 2:33 pm

I agree with your assessment on warmonger bush, too bad that americans in general don't realize how much hatred that their foreign policy has created outside of their borders.

aviationwiz, could you make a point to curb your pottymouth. The English language has a wide variety of words that would display your disdain bettter than f....


Ps: sorry bout the ot post.

aviationwiz wrote:
BMR wrote:
aviationwiz wrote:The infidels will get what they deserve

Aviationwiz: What kind of a quote is that???

Since the Muslim world almost exclusively refers to the US as the Infidels are you implying that US citizens are getting or about to get "what they deserve"?


They will get what they deserve for electing George Bush. That is a shitty president, and anything that comes along with that, which includes his major fuck ups around the world.

It was originally 'fuck you america, you will get what you deserve.' Some mod made me change it though.
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Postby alexnoe on Fri Dec 17, 2004 2:40 pm

The English language has a wide variety of words that would display your disdain bettter than f....
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