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External HD enclosures

Postby Intimidator on Tue Oct 19, 2004 11:36 am

I am searching for an external HD enclosure case for an Western Digital 80GB 7200RPM 8MB buffer drive.

There are many to choose from:

http://www.newegg.com/app/searchProduct ... nerCata=92

There are many factors to take into consideration when choosing one. These can get quite pricey.

I have read several posts in different forms but these mainly from last year, I believe. I am sure technology has changed by then.

I would like to hear peoples personal opinions on why they choose a certain enclosure.

Thanks for the feedback!
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Postby dodecahedron on Tue Oct 19, 2004 6:01 pm

you should probably read this post:
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Postby Intimidator on Tue Oct 19, 2004 6:03 pm

I have read that post. It seemed very good but there seems to be some newer enclosures out now and wanted to see if anyone had any other thoughts on the suject.
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Postby dodecahedron on Tue Oct 19, 2004 6:17 pm

well, i've been under the impression that for FireWire, the Oxford chipset is the best.
having re-read that topic now, i'm not so sure.

most USB/FireWire enclosures seem to be based on the Prolific chipset, not Oxford.

anyone know if there's really any difference between the chipsets? i mean is one significantly better than the other, in terms of performance, data accuracy etc., reliability?
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Postby bill on Tue Oct 19, 2004 7:04 pm

I'm trying to get a better education on the topic myself, it's been hard to find..

Description for various Oxfords chipsets- http://www.oxsemi.co.uk/pages/ieee1394/index.html

Prolific- http://www.prolific.com.tw/eng/Products-2.asp?ID=9
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Postby wuub on Sat Oct 30, 2004 9:59 pm

anyone know if there's really any difference between the chipsets? i mean is one significantly better than the other, in terms of performance, data accuracy etc., reliability?

Yes, there sure is. I have a bytecc combo drive with the prolific PL3507 (rev. C), and it only works reliably when connected via USB2. The firewire connection does not work, period. Generally, I get delayed write failures, and ultimately corruption of the MFT. I have tried several firmware updates, but no luck yet.

If you plan on using firewire, stay away form this chipset. Do a Google search, and you will learn more about the issues with it.
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Postby Intimidator on Wed Dec 15, 2004 11:34 pm

I have been doing more research on the subject and find in some other posts that DEALSONIC seems to have the best deals on these cases. They really provide you with a lot of detail on the specs as well.


If you want greater pictures of these cases well a good majority of these cases are made here:


They are just sold under different names.

I really like this case:


The PRICE is right! Does anyone have this enclosure? If so what do you think? It's nice and simple enclosure. It uses the latest Cypress Semiconductor AT2 Chipset for USB2 support. Firewire is really not that universal yet from what I can tell. It is all aluminum enclosure with plastic ends. I want to put an 80GB 7200RPM dirve in there.

Do I really need extra cooling for that drive? Some of these enclosures have little fans in them. What size drives need that extra cooling? I like the USB2 since it is more universal and for backing up a laptop there would be greater likely hood the USB2 will be recognized by DOS.

There are too many issues with the Prolific chipset and combo drives.

I would like to have some feedback and what other people suggest.

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