dolphinius_rex wrote:Geez, what was Pioneer smoking? I could understand maybe Prodisc 8x DVD+Rs being certified, but their 8x DVD-Rs? And which code/formulation was certified?
Wesociety wrote:I'll have to agree that Optodisc quality control is pretty shitty.
I've had spindles were 1 disc will fail miserably (burn process failed) and the next disc in the same spindle is a perfect burn (OPTODISCOR8).
RJW wrote:You forget something +R Philips approval has higher standard rules as -R standards.
So that Prodisc 8x DVD+R would get full approval (Not the provisional approval. Which says something like this product has batches that could work on some burners and with even some parameters inside the standard.)
is a really big step.
Also if Optodisc can get Pioneer approval so can Prodisc. (Note Optodisc 8x DVD+R isn't approved by Philips even not provisional approved.)
In general Prodisc seems to have a bit better support as Optodisc and is more playable.Also less really bad stuff falls trough.(visible defects )
However when it comes to longlivety it seems that prodisc still has some work to do. Optodisc scores a better on this.
Still both have there issues and that's why non of them get a recommendation from me.
Pioneer Certification is not sold.
hoxlund wrote:so the prodisc s04 work at what speed now?
i think those were the ones that were only 4x
RJW wrote:Hmm.
Also I really laughed when they said DVD+R 16x certified by Pioneer.
RJW wrote:Prodisc R02 was provisional approved by Philips.
Scour wrote:Hello!
I thought Fujifilm03 was manufactured by Prodisc. Someone tell me now, that Fujifilm03 is produced for Prodisc from Ritek.
Could that be, that Ritek produce media for a big competitor?
dolphinius_rex wrote:I *HIGHLY* doubt Ritek does that.
dolphinius_rex wrote:Since I'm an avid Prodisc non-fan, I can't really answer your question... but I *CAN* tell you that when a distributor of Prodisc media order 8x DVD-Rs from Prodisc, PRODISCS04, PRODISCF01, and FUJIFILM03, are all potential discs that could arrive in that shipment.
RJW wrote:Your Philips Fujifilm03 are likely to be Ritek or MBIL manufacturerd.
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