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Nero Showtime

Postby dvdevil on Sun Oct 24, 2004 2:59 am


Hopefully, someone can address my problem since NERO support will not respond.

Recently, i purchased and installed NERO 6 reloaded.
Whenever i try to play a DVD i note a lot of clicking and popping in the audio, although the couple of DVD movies i own appear to sound proper?
Oddly, if i play the latter title using Windows Media Player or Power dvd the sound is perfect!
I would appreciate any help concerning my dilemma as to how i can correct the above Nero "Showtime" issue.
I would really like to use NERO full time since the burner along with the interface is kewl!

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Postby hoxlund on Sun Oct 24, 2004 9:40 pm

well nero 6 reloaded isn't officially out yet, it was leaked or whatever the story is a few weeks ago

it officially comes out like 25th or 28th of this month, i think

correct me if im wrong though

also its great to have the latest bios on your cpu ;)
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Postby dvdevil on Mon Oct 25, 2004 2:50 am

hoxlund wrote:well nero 6 reloaded isn't officially out yet, it was leaked or whatever the story is a few weeks ago

it officially comes out like 25th or 28th of this month, i think

correct me if im wrong though

also its great to have the latest bios on your cpu ;)

it's fore sale here in Holland 68 euro no warez paid for it....

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Postby hoxlund on Mon Oct 25, 2004 10:07 am

depending if nero released the official version earlier at other countries, that is probably a pre-order
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Postby CCampbell on Mon Oct 25, 2004 4:47 pm

Nero 6.6 has just now been posted on the Nero website.


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Postby dvdevil on Tue Oct 26, 2004 5:02 am

update nero reloaded showtime the same result a lot of clicking and popping in the audio :(
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Postby CCampbell on Tue Oct 26, 2004 3:51 pm

Have you tried changing the audio Settings in Nero ShowTime?

Do you have another computer you can test Nero ShowTime on? Just to see if this occurs with the same DVD on another system, with another DVD-ROM drive?


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Postby dvdevil on Wed Oct 27, 2004 2:46 am

Strange.. installed older version of nero and nero vision expess updated to nero reloaded and the sound is ok (on a clean system windows xp home and service pack 2) if i only install the new nero reloaded suite from cd the sound is bad and only 2 channel settings in audio 6 channel.
But if i have 6 channel sound with the older version of nve and updated with the new nve the information in showtime say's 6 channel sound but i only hear 2 speakers..strange strange

But i keeping testing :D
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Postby dvdevil on Wed Oct 27, 2004 12:43 pm

Ok i give up testing the whole week now and no succes nero showtime sucks and dvd to nero digital mp4 5.1 encoded the sound is very bad.
Called the helpdesk here in holland 80 euro cents per minute and no succes ...... :evil:
68 euro for nero reloaded 10 euro helpdesk total 78 euro wasted...
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Postby CCampbell on Wed Oct 27, 2004 1:38 pm

Hi Dvdevil,

Not sure I follow. Your posting before indicated you can resolve the issue by installing over an older version of Nero 6.0

I tested on a number of systems here, and I could not duplicate your audio issue. In all instances, Nero 6.6 downloaded from our website installed and worked properly in regards to Nero ShowTime playing audio from any source.

And now you indicate the sound from an MPEG-4 file, created wtih 5.1 surround sound enabled is poor as well? Can you provide more details?


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Postby dvdevil on Wed Oct 27, 2004 4:37 pm

Making a divx or xvid movie is no problem 5.1 sound power dvd and many otherplayer's play's the 5.1 sound very good but not nero's showtime it even fails to play nero's mpeg-4 5.1 sound.

The sound is very soft and i only hear the background sounds and very soft the voices speakers full open.

So if i play a dvd with power dvd full 5.1 audio work's perfect sound on all speakers.
Playing the dvd with showtime 5.1 enabled the only thing i hear is crackling and popping sound.

So i make a clean windows install and installed nero vision expres 2 no more crackink and popping sound updated with nero vision expres 3 now i have 6 channel audio sound is clear but only over 2 speaker's

So for me the old nero vison express version works for audio better.

Thanks T.J
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Postby CCampbell on Mon Nov 01, 2004 2:03 pm

Hi Dvdevil,

I've generated a bug report for this issue, as I am unable to test on my systems in the US Lab as I do not have the sound system to support this.

As soon as I obtain any feedback on this issue, I will post it here.


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Postby CCampbell on Thu Nov 04, 2004 1:14 pm

Hi T.J,

Looks like we do have a problem here. Our QA team is seeing similar issues on a few systems they have tested.

It would be very helpful if you could provide me with the following information:

1) What SoundCard do you use?
2) IS Dolby Pro Logic Enabled? (Because when this is enabled we are hearing the 'crackling' noise as well.


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Postby Confederate on Thu Nov 04, 2004 10:18 pm

Nero's Showtime is a joke. I'm not trying to dismiss problems out of hand, but it's just easier in the long run to have PowerDVD on your system and use that for playing DVDs. People I've read online have complained about the snap, crackles and pops of sound, stuttering of image playback and incessent pop-ups telling them they needed a plug-in that's already included with their installation programs. Ahead would be...well...ahead if it elminated the ap altogether rather than including one that doesn't work.

Quark, the maker of an excellent layout and design program, was founded and is operated by software, not business, people. They've done a lot of harm to themselves by their rigid refusals to recognize basic problems and fix them. So when I see something like Showtime, which isn't fixed, repaired, redesigned or removed from version to version, I call it a "quark." Quarks are just plain stupid not to fix or elliminate so people won't get something they think they're getting. Showtime was a big draw to me when I got Nero over Roxio. Had Showtime worked, I thought I would have gotten a bargain; however, that was not the case.
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nero showtime

Postby dvdevil on Fri Nov 05, 2004 2:39 pm

1)Creative SB Audigy LS
2) Dolby prologic is on
6 speaker system
no sound front speaker

Greetings TJ
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Postby CCampbell on Sun Nov 07, 2004 5:12 pm

Thanks TJ,

I looked again at your first posting and say you had already provided the sound card information. :oops:

I'll pass this on to the Engineers.


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Postby zilla on Tue Nov 09, 2004 2:47 am

my problem is that it wants the multichannel plugin which is supposed to be included in the first place.....I guess what I dont get is that the software know it is the ultra edition yet it wont let itself be this edition.....
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Postby CCampbell on Tue Nov 09, 2004 1:39 pm

zilla wrote:my problem is that it wants the multichannel plugin which is supposed to be included in the first place.....I guess what I dont get is that the software know it is the ultra edition yet it wont let itself be this edition.....

Do you have the Retail version? Only the Retail Versoin has the Dolby Digital MultiChannel plugin.

If you do have a retail version, I would suggest using the Nero Clean tool to uninstall, and then do a fresh install. When you enter your serial key, it should unlock the feature.


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Postby zilla on Wed Nov 10, 2004 11:29 pm

yes nero ultra retail version and not only was this done on a clean install of nero it was installed on a fresh clean install of windows xp. I've thought about uninstalling and using the cleaner but have not gotten around to it mainly because I have not needed it yet but still bugs me because I wanted to give the new showtime at least another shot with this version but.............
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Postby CCampbell on Thu Nov 11, 2004 1:27 pm

If you have not already, you can first try upgrading to the latest NeroVision, as this will install the latest Nero ShowTime.

IF that fails, then a clean uninstall and reinstall is in order. But all Retail bundles definately come with the plugin.


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Postby zilla on Thu Nov 11, 2004 7:48 pm

well I never installed from the cd because I have always just downloaded the latest ver and installed without using the cd...and have never had multi-channel problem. So in yes it is the latest ver. but I will redo it all tonight to see if it was just a bad install
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Postby zilla on Fri Nov 12, 2004 6:10 am

I uninstalled everything used the cleantool installed nero....installed nve. now I do get DD 5.1 in showtime (I use spdif nforce2 soundstorm,and external Decoder BTW) but it will not let me watch a movie with sound if I choose DTS.... now I do not know if this is how showtime has always been becauseI always used PowerDVD because I never run into these kinds of problems with it. but is this right? oh yea I most likely will be going back to the old NVE because this version hangs if I try to copy a DVD and with the plugin BS I guess I can wait till you guy's get some bugs out
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Postby Aqualung on Thu Nov 18, 2004 12:33 am

Alright, I can confirm, Showtime sux big time. Sorry folks, but I'm very disappointed. Be it for the simple fact that it wouldn't work on my secondary monitor (i.e. it does not support dual monitors), if not for (many) other reasons. (Btw, the damned window that asks to upgrade to Multichannel sound says that the web version (that is, not only the retail version) of the Ultra package is supposed to do multichannel as well.)
Last edited by Aqualung on Thu Nov 18, 2004 10:34 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby CCampbell on Thu Nov 18, 2004 1:59 pm

I've confirmed that Zilla has found another bug in our software, this one being in our Nero ShowTime in regards to Multichannel support. Our Engineers have addressed this as well in NST Version

We will post a new version at the end of the month to address this and other issues we have found or that were brought to our attention.


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Postby Aqualung on Sat Dec 04, 2004 3:07 pm

Updated NVE/Showtime to latest edition. While the previous release simply crashed when attempting to play on secondary monitor, at least this one seems to be making an effort, and sometimes (once in a blue moon more exactly) actually works--though not without MAJOR hiccups, crashes, no audio etc.

Also, no multichannel, even though the website clearly states that, and I quote, "The Multichannel Plug-in is included in the Nero 6 Retail Box and the web version" (my emphasis).

My overall impression: Showtime is clearly NOT ready for commercial release. Going back to using VLC (freeware!).
Last edited by Aqualung on Mon Dec 06, 2004 3:18 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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