Ian wrote:Ah yes... this website. Someone pointed it out to me late last week. I still don't know if the guy that runs it is actually trying to do some good.. or just make a few bucks off of the program. From what I've hard, Karr isn't too happy with the whole thing. As it is, I've already had to ask the guy not to link directly to the files on our website.
Yes, and um, it might be better if we didn't have people posting links to the website on public forums. That just increases traffic.
I can't help feeling that if one were legitimate, and not just trying to make money off someone else's work, he might go through the author directly in the first place, instead of going behind his back. It's not like the author's name and contact info is not obvious in the program.
Still, it's a nice web site, I hope they can work something out that benefits all parties.