There are other ways that you can relate your system information to members when asking questions.
It is important to know what your OS is and the Hardware and software relating to the question asked as each OS has something that is different as is the behaviour and options available in software.
When you get the subject type post with "Help me" or "I need help" or the type "why is my CD not working" and no information as to the OS or manufacturer and or model of the CD or software used, is included with the post.... ladie dah... ladie dah. - I just do not bother to reply any more.
So, look at my Signature, - URL link to other forum that keeps the data. Other option is to create document file or spreadsheet or any other format, put it on your web site and then link to it with a URL inside the signature.
Had the same problem with number of characters, as most count the (or include the) format codes in the character count.
this is what I had. (which some forum systems did not accept)
AX4B Pro-533, 1 Gb DDR RAM, nVIDIA GeForce4 mx440se 128 DDR RAM,
4 x 80 Gb ATA133 HD, 1 x CR-RW 48x12x50x, 1 x 16x DVD ROM, 1 x 56x CD ROM,
2 FD 1.44/1.2, Internal PCI - 56K modem, 2nd NIC, SB 5.1, I/O LPT Card.
External - 1 x 100Mb Zip, 1 x VPN Firewall Router, 1 x Cable Modem.
and to display this in this forum, I had to change the original code. Also, not able to have as sig. too long.
So the I tried others, with reduced info - "radio" from PC-Pitstop forum suggested a URL to their test result. This however was kept for 1 week only, so I put in the url to the current "My PC and Network Specifications" So now
if I post, 'I'm having problems with my AOpen CD burner on system 3 using Nero InCD with Nero 6 Ultra...." got the idea.
Simple when you think about it, as I said in the post on PC-Pitstop when we finally got an intelligent reply, "It took a 'Radio Message' to head me off in the right direction." All this is just a relay from, ... 18381&st=0