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Nero Setup

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Nero Setup

Postby dam on Tue Nov 09, 2004 9:42 am

Hi to all, first post.
I've got a problem updating Nero.
After installing the SP2 for my Win'XP Pro I've downloaded the update of Nero (the file nero6601.exe) and tried to update the program (from buyed with my BTC DVDRW1008 to because of the known compatibilty problems.
The Nero setup starts ok (files unpack, run installer, Start setup, "I Accept...", "Update" first and "Remove" then, and so on) but when it arrives to install "NeroWMPPlugin" (at that moment the bar graph of the installation is at about 15%). Then the system locks, there's no possibility to go out from the setup and I can't do anything alse with the pc; only a hardware restart!
Do you know something about that problem? Something in my Pc (Athlon 1.36GHz, 256MB ram) that needs to be de/activated? I remember similar problem with similar old packs downloaded from the site by-passed at that time by the original CD, but now I haven't it.
I understand that NeroWMPPlugin is something that works with "Windows Media" so I've already upgraded Windows with new Media Player 10 but nothing changes.
Thanks anyway!
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Postby CCampbell on Tue Nov 09, 2004 1:43 pm

I suspect a corrupted download would be the cause. The version of Windows Media Player would not be an issue.

You should use the Nero Clean tool to clean Nero from your system. Then do a fresh install of Nero 6.0 from your Nero CD that came with the BTC recorder, and then download a fresh copy of Nero 6.6 and install.


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Always the same

Postby dam on Thu Nov 11, 2004 5:58 am

Thank you for soon reply. I had already tested all Nero Clean tools but nothing.
As you suggest I downloaded again the installation file, now from US server but no way. Same identical problem. The setup stops everythings at "NeroWMPPlugin". Pc locked.
I burn with Nero since release 4.x and I have installed it tens times in a lot of different pcs with no problem. Now I can't understand what is happening. Any more suggestion?

I'm waiting for an answare from ahead too, but I've got no hope to get...

Thank you again! Bye.
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Postby CCampbell on Thu Nov 11, 2004 1:34 pm

Does this occur on only the one system?

I'm not able to duplicate this on any system, and you are the first to complain of this exact issue. There is more than likely something unique about your system causing this issue. First you should try installing on another system so as to confirm if this issue is isolated to the one system.

If it is, then we need to take a look at your system to see what about it is unique as compared to others.

P.S. I am from Ahead Software. :)


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The one system

Postby dam on Thu Nov 11, 2004 1:46 pm

Thanks Craig from ahead, you're my man!
Yes, the problem is only with my system. On others pc the setup ends correctly.
So I'm here: what do you want to know about my system?
You think the webinstallerlog could help us?
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Postby CCampbell on Thu Nov 11, 2004 5:41 pm

That's a good place to start. :)

I may need to know what all you have installed on your system, but lets start with that.


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The one system

Postby dam on Fri Nov 12, 2004 5:04 am

OK, I've tryied but... how does it works? What is inside the zipped file downloaded from the Nero site is different from the explanation. There are 2 reg key: I 've installed the "ON" before starting setup but lt's the same and no log file founded on the system.
I've sent you a mail with a .jpg of my start menu.

Thank you very much!
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Postby CCampbell on Fri Nov 12, 2004 2:50 pm

Hi Dam,

Yes, it looks like they forgot to add the Readme file. They are only providing the two Registry patches that enables and disables the log creation.

The file is saved to the Desktop, so you can enable the Installer Log and then provide me with the file generated.

As for your EMail, I did get it. Have you tried disableing Norton and NoAdWare to see if you can install our software when these programs are not enabled?

Also, you might want to try using, carefully, a program called KillAll2 and close any programs running in the background before attempting the install.


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Postby dam on Sat Nov 13, 2004 8:48 am

Hi Craig,
I've tryied with Norton and NoAdware disabled but nothing. I try to enable Installer Log but no log file created on the desktop; maybe it creates it at end of setup. My setup stops in the middle (at the beginning).
What abuot KillAll2? Where can I find it?

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No way...

Postby dam on Tue Nov 16, 2004 6:17 pm

...for me?
Still without nero.

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Postby CCampbell on Wed Nov 17, 2004 2:16 pm

Hi Dam,

Sorry, I had not forgotten your issue. I was waiting for the Readme file that is supposed to come with that WebInstaller Logging tool.

But if your game, we can do this the hard way. :)

Just download the latest Nero from our website and save to your Hard Drive somewhere such as C:\Downloads

Then Go to Start->All Programs->Accesories->Command prompt

This will open a Dos Window.

At the commend prompt type...


(Press Enter)

And then type...

CD Downloads

(Press Enter)

And then type...

nero6601_1 /LOG:"C:\downloads\NeroInstaller.log" /LOGLEVEL:DEBUG

(Press Enter)

After Nero installs or attempts to install, go to your C:\Downloads directory and send me a copy of the 'NeroInstaller.log' file you find there at techsupport4@nero.com


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Postby dam on Sun Nov 21, 2004 7:42 pm

Hi Craig,
I did as you have said but it's always the same. The setup starts from the command prompt too, but crash and no log file was generated.

I still hope in you.

P.S. My main drive is E: is it a problem for Nero?
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Postby CCampbell on Mon Nov 22, 2004 4:32 pm

There must be something with this system that would cause it to fail to install, and yet it has no trouble with other systems.

Have you tried a fresh install of the Windows XP operating system, and then install Nero to see if this addresses your issue?

As you can see, I'm running out of ideas. :-?


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Postby dam on Mon Nov 22, 2004 5:18 pm

Ok, maybe is better.
Thanks anyway.

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Postby Hergest on Wed Nov 24, 2004 7:55 am

I have had update installation problems too, but not exactly the same issue.

I get a neroWebEngine fatal fault when I try to update any Nero package. The package decompresses; it's half-way through the installation that the error occurs.

I have even tried uninstalling all Nero packages (which also produced the NeroWebEngine fatal fault for some of the packages).

I started in Safe mode, and uninstalled everything. I ran the clean tools, but still could not install the new pacakges. Then to my horror I found I could not install the previous versions (get the same problem).

I have sent a message to tech support, but have had no useful response yet. I sent a Nero Info log.

I have managed to get Nero Burning Rom to run, so I can burn CDs, but I really need Nero Vision Express and the tray designer applications back.

I assume there must be some library that SP2 updates that is causing a conflict.

I haven't had any other problems with SP2; so SP2 might not have anything to do with it.
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Postby CCampbell on Mon Nov 29, 2004 3:51 pm

Hi Hergest,

What language is your OS working under?

Are you trying to install from a download, or from a CD? If from a download, do you have the original Nero CD so that you can install from there to see if the issue is a corrupted download, or something specific to your system?

Have you installed or uninstalled any programs recently, or since you last installed Nero?


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Postby Hergest on Tue Nov 30, 2004 4:45 am

I have solved my problem now. I am using WinXP SP2.

I ran all of the nero clean tools I could find (about 4 of them). I then uninstalled all packages in safe mode. The previous time I may not have uninstalled NeroBurnRights.

Then the new packages installed without a problem.
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New year...

Postby dam on Mon Jan 17, 2005 6:01 am

...new os setup.
Nero runs friendly on my pc, now.
Everything fixed, thanks to all.

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