aviationwiz wrote:There is a mod that Ian could add to the forums that adds a "Printer" icon next to "New Topic" and "Reply" that brings up a Printer Friendly version of the page.
You can see them in action at:
See? Very nice, easy, and convinient.
dodecahedron wrote:right now, clicking on the printer button gives you a pages with text only.
not very friendly IMO.
Looks good to me. The smilies

came through OK in the thread I looked at, although the horizontal rulings separating the posts didn't make it to my (somewhat antiquated) printer. I don't know how imbedded images, e.g. CD Doctor scans, will show up- I couldn't find any in the TasAir site.
I think this would be a useful addition- alone for topics like KCK's HowTo.