by Confederate on Thu Nov 04, 2004 10:18 pm
Nero's Showtime is a joke. I'm not trying to dismiss problems out of hand, but it's just easier in the long run to have PowerDVD on your system and use that for playing DVDs. People I've read online have complained about the snap, crackles and pops of sound, stuttering of image playback and incessent pop-ups telling them they needed a plug-in that's already included with their installation programs. Ahead would be...well...ahead if it elminated the ap altogether rather than including one that doesn't work.
Quark, the maker of an excellent layout and design program, was founded and is operated by software, not business, people. They've done a lot of harm to themselves by their rigid refusals to recognize basic problems and fix them. So when I see something like Showtime, which isn't fixed, repaired, redesigned or removed from version to version, I call it a "quark." Quarks are just plain stupid not to fix or elliminate so people won't get something they think they're getting. Showtime was a big draw to me when I got Nero over Roxio. Had Showtime worked, I thought I would have gotten a bargain; however, that was not the case.