i removed one optical drive and inserted another in its place, and forgot to check the jumpering.
they were both set as slaves on the secondary IDE channel.
the computer didn't boot.
it got stuck in the pre-post screen (a colourful screen with the Asus logo), didn't even get to the screen where it says how much memory, the IDE devices recognized etc.
fixed the jumpering (one drive master the other slave) - no go.
removed the power connector from one drive (the new one i'd just put in) - no go.
removed also the data cable from this drive - no go.
removed also the power cable of the other drive - no go.
cleared the CMOS (i hope i did it right, first time i've ever done it: powered off, disconnected power cord, removed battery, moved the jumper to the clear position for 3 secs and then back, put battery back in and powered up). no go.
i'm starting to run out of ideas and to panic!
any help?
i never thought that bad jumper settings on optical drives could so seriously bork my computer!