A CNN/Gallup poll showed the perceived winner of the 2nd debate
as Kerry by a statistically insignificant margin 47% to 45%.
However, cnn.com's poll shows a whopping 75% to 22% edge for Kerry (with the remaining 3% saying their performances were even).
There were over 500,000 votes, so it isn't that only 50 or 100 people responded.
The difference between the two polls is massive.
Is there possibly a concerted effort by one or more online groups to vote multiple times?
I read or heard somewhere that groups were reaching out to democratic voters after the 1st poll to do something to that effect.
Or are democratics voters more likely to vote in the cnn.com online polls for some odd reason?
I must say Bush came across MUCH better than in the 1st debate.
Kerry didn't let up though.
It will be an interesting election.
It will probably come down to one state again, in terms of electoral votes which are the ones that count.