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Plextor Europe Delays PX-716A!?


Plextor Europe Delays PX-716A!?

Postby Ian on Wed Nov 03, 2004 3:28 pm

I heard about this last week. Someone sent me an email that was supposedly from one of their sales and marketing people. I kinda blew it off since the drive was already showing up in the US. Anyway, heise online is now reporting the same thing:

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Postby Ian on Wed Nov 03, 2004 3:29 pm

Here's the email I received:

"Dear Customer,

Plextor's vision is to provide it's customers with the highest quality
products and with the highest and most challenging specifications in
the market.

In the future we will continue to develop our products based on this vision.

On September 27th, we announced our new exciting product, the PX-716A, our first 16x and double layer drive. Since we want to assure the
writing quality of the product together with the highest specifications (16x writing, CAV writing method) at all times, our quality assurance team decided to postpone the production and shipments by one month.

Convinced you support us in this decision, since customer satisfaction
is our common goal, we thank you for your understanding.
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Postby dolphinius_rex on Wed Nov 03, 2004 3:56 pm

Well, it looks like I'll be waiting until December to get this drive then... I figure when Newegg finally gets the drive in stock, it will probably be better.
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Postby Ian on Wed Nov 03, 2004 4:14 pm

Yeah, Best Buy got all of the initial US shipments. Plextor wasn't even able to set aside of them for reviewers. Judging by everyones comments so far, this is probably a good thing. :wink:
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Postby dolphinius_rex on Wed Nov 03, 2004 6:46 pm

Ian wrote:Yeah, Best Buy got all of the initial US shipments. Plextor wasn't even able to set aside of them for reviewers. Judging by everyones comments so far, this is probably a good thing. :wink:

Yeah... How much you want to bet that Anandtech is working on their review right now :lol:
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Postby Ian on Wed Nov 03, 2004 8:46 pm

dolphinius_rex wrote:Yeah... How much you want to bet that Anandtech is working on their review right now :lol:

I think Kristopher said he was looking for a PX-716A, but couldn't find one in his area. Even then, I'm expecting to see a "super duper world exclusive" review from someone soon
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Postby KenW on Wed Nov 03, 2004 11:56 pm

Maybe plextor will post fw update for all USA people that actaully bought one.
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Postby Ian on Thu Nov 04, 2004 12:07 am

Let's hope it can be fixed with a firmware. There's rumors that its something with the hardware. #-o
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Postby zebraxor on Thu Nov 04, 2004 12:10 am

Confirming and compounding my opinion of Plextor. :roll:

The concept of "first to market" lost its footing some time ago. Time to grow some market intelligence I think Plextor!
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Postby VEFF on Thu Nov 04, 2004 12:12 am

This doesn't make Plextor look too good, especially after the disappointment that I have been reading about in the PX-712A...
While they rushed to market - good QA testing would have uncovered issues reasltively easily since users found them on the first day it was available in store at Best Buy - I do give them credit for delaying further Production and shipments of the drive in an effort to resolve issues.

I wonder what will happen to exisiting users, unless it simply ends up requiring a firmware upgrade, and not hardware modification.
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Postby KenW on Thu Nov 04, 2004 12:38 am

interesting thing I have noticed while reading posts on number of forums , about 716 testing people are doing. the persons that had DOA drive or RMA drives from Bestbuy the serial # seem to be in range 100xxx and my friends 716 another persons 716 and my 716 that seem to be ok but need fw to correct small problems are in the range 101xxx or higher one good drive serial number was listed as 101525 mine is 1025xx could be nothing but then again who knows also all drives checked seem to be made in china.
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Postby VEFF on Thu Nov 04, 2004 11:21 am


Has Plextor given an official response yet to your inquiry concerning this

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Postby Ian on Thu Nov 04, 2004 11:53 am

VEFF wrote:Ian,

Has Plextor given an official response yet to your inquiry concerning this


Nope, not yet. If I have time today, I'll email them.
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Postby VEFF on Thu Nov 04, 2004 6:47 pm

Ian wrote:
VEFF wrote:Ian,

Has Plextor given an official response yet to your inquiry concerning this


Nope, not yet. If I have time today, I'll email them.

Someone on one of the Hot Deals forums bought one today which turned out to be DOA.
He returned it for a second one, which also turned out to be DOA!
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Postby Ian on Thu Nov 04, 2004 7:18 pm

I haven't been following the whole bad drive thing.. but how was it DOA? System couldn't find it? Wouldn't burn? Problem between the keyboard and the chair??
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Postby KenW on Thu Nov 04, 2004 7:57 pm

from what I read it was not not seen or would not even power up. either way it didnt load disks or see them. also interesting is that all DOA units talked about by people seem to be from East coast of USA, mine and my friends that seem to work but need better fw are from So. california LA area on west coast of USA
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Postby bch on Thu Nov 04, 2004 8:40 pm

I had two DOA PX-716A drives before I got lucky with number three.

The DOA drives were recogzined by windows but the drives would not recognize any media that was inserted. What made the situation even stranger was that the self test would indicate that a disk, even empty ones, was full.
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Postby dolphinius_rex on Thu Nov 04, 2004 9:07 pm

KenW wrote:from what I read it was not not seen or would not even power up. either way it didnt load disks or see them. also interesting is that all DOA units talked about by people seem to be from East coast of USA, mine and my friends that seem to work but need better fw are from So. california LA area on west coast of USA

Please let us know how the new firmware works out :D
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