by sweetdeath on Tue Dec 14, 2004 11:53 pm
Without disclosing too much info, do not buy the extended warranty. If you have a problem with the unit before the extended warranty begins they will basically put you off until the extended warranty begins. If you indicate to the warranty company that you called Overstock about the problem before the extended warranty began they will refuse to cover a pre-existing problem and refer you back to Overstock. Also any item under 200 dollars has to be mailed to the warranty company at owner expense, and then the customer is offered a settlement on the unit and it takes 6 - 8 weeks if everything goes well, typically much longer. Also beware of the computers, laptops and components they sell, there is a high DOA rate and they usually do not include any software or operating system for the unit. Some people even complain that there is previous owner information on "refurbished" units.