by dolphinius_rex on Sat Oct 23, 2004 3:48 am
Another reason why Ritek G05 media is so poorly supported is because Ritek revised the media specs time and time again, even after the media was released to the retail public! So many drive makers became frustrated with having to spend weeks re-calibrating their drives for the altered specs. Personally, I don't blame them!
It's like coming to a frame shop with a picture, and asking them to make a frame for it. Then, one week later when they have built you this nice frame, you come back with the picture, but you've cut 2 inches off of the bottom of it, because you didn't like the shoes the person in the picture was wearing. So they spend another week modifying the frame, and when you come back again, you've cut half an inch off of the left side of the picture, because it didn't seem centered correctly.... It just gets annoying and tedious after a while!
Another example is the Ritek G06 DVD-R. It was originally an 8x DVD-R, which was to replace the G05. Now it seems like it might be a 12x or 16x DVD-R... but since Ritek KEEPS CHANGING THE SPECS, it's hard to know what it *WILL BE* when they get done playing with it. ....Ritek USA claims the media doesn't even exist even... although some places in Europe actually sold it for a while when it was an 8x disc still.
Also, don't forget Ritek's M02 4x DVD-R which was to replace the Ritek G04. There's another media type that drive makers had to calibrate their drives for... which then spent a month at most being sold in North America, and disappeared, replaced by the G04 that it was supposedly replacing to begin with.
Punch Cards -> Paper Tape -> Tape Drive -> 8" Floppy Diskette -> 5 1/4" Floppy Diskette -> 3 1/2" "Flippy" Diskette -> CD-R -> DVD±R -> BD-R
The Progression of Computer Media