That was one exhaustive review! Well done, DD. (It took a while to load the 6+ MiB on a dial-up line, though

I have one suggestion- while looking at the BLER scans, I kept scrolling back to the media tables to check the actual burning speed. Would it be possible to add the max. available speed to the captions under the KProbe scans? Example:
Imation 8x DVD+R @ 16x
Looks like this is not the drive to use for writing/testing CD's. Although I'll hang on to my LiteOn LTR 48246S as long as it runs (it started out as "just a cheap drive" and has turned out to be a jewel), a lot of people will ditch their CD-burners when they get a DVD drive. The limited speed (16x for 74 min. discs

) and missing C2-reporting are big drawbacks in my books. Furthermore, I don't really understand why 48x reading isn't available on a drive that handles DVD's at 16x. Mechanical and optical requirements are less severe for CD's.
From the actual burning times, its seems that the drive doesn't like CMC DVD-R's and, to a lesser extents, DAXON (=Acer Media!!) DVD+R's.
A couple of editorial/typographic problems:
- BIOS is Ph
oenix, not Pheonix
- There seems to be part of a sentence missing prior to the CD writing speed table:
rated at 48x, and some The results are below.