rdgrimes wrote:Another nice review, Ian.
Just curious, I know you have played with various FW versions. Did you flash this drive and burn with any other FW versions than the Memorex version?
No, not really. However I did flash a 1633S with the Memorex firmware when diagnosing some of the CD-R burning problems.
Also, if so, what's your impression of the performance of the Memorex FW VS LiteOn versions?
Lemme put it this way, I've been less than impressed with Lite-On's firmware. If you compare Memorex's BWSB to Lite-On's BSOC, the Memorex firmware is better. It supports more media and the writing quality is better.
Memorex really pestered Lite-On to fix stuff and they're still on their case to improve it even more. For whatever reason, Lite-On doesn't seem to be applying this to their own firmware. It's really too bad.
One reason I ask is that we are seeing some rather interesting "learning" behaviour with these drives, and it appears that flashing different FW might affect the learned memory and calibration in the drive's EEPROM.
Interesting.. I was actually talking to Memorex about something like this last week. Unfortunately, I didn't save the EEPROM. It would be interesting to compare them and see though.